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[英]Java accessing class variables?

Below is my program artificial bug. 下面是我的程序人为错误。 How would i be able to access the coorordinates from main which the user has set, and assign them to an array which is set in the MyClass class, thanks in advance:) 我将如何从用户设置的主坐标中访问坐标,并将其分配给在MyClass类中设置的数组,在此先感谢:)

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;

public class main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
        ABug[] BugObj = new ABug[4]; //Creating object BugObj of class ABug
        int loop = 4;
        int i = 0;
        int cycles;
        MyClass worldnew = new MyClass();

        System.out.println("Please enter the number of cycles you wish to run:");   
        cycles = reader.nextInt(); //getting the amount of cycles to be run
        System.out.print("____Current World____\n\n");
        worldnew.printWorld(); //calling method to print out world

        System.out.println("____Key____\n_F_ - Food\n_O_ - Object\n_ _ - Space\nSymbol - Bug");


            BugObj[i] = new ABug();  //creating instance

            System.out.print("Please enter the symbol which you wish to represent the bug:");
            BugObj[i].symbol = reader.next();
            System.out.print("Please enter the name of the bug:");
            BugObj[i].name = reader.next(); 
            System.out.println("Please enter the species of the bug:");   
            BugObj[i].species = reader.next(); 
            System.out.println("Please enter the horizontal position of the bug:");   
            BugObj[i].horpos = reader.nextInt();
            System.out.println("Please enter the vertical postion of the bug:");   
            BugObj[i].vertpos = reader.nextInt();   

            System.out.println("_______________ Bug " +(+i+1) + " _______________\n" );
            System.out.println("Symbol: " + BugObj[i].symbol);     //Printing bug information out
            System.out.println("Name: " + BugObj[i].name);           
            System.out.println("Species: " + BugObj[i].species);
            System.out.println("Horizontal Position: " + BugObj[i].horpos);
            System.out.println("Vertical Postion: " + BugObj[i].vertpos + "\n\n");

            System.out.println("Would you like to enter another bug? \n 0-No,  1-Yes\n");
            loop = reader.nextInt();
        }while(loop == 1);

    public static void move(ABug bug){
        Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Would you like this bug to move?\n 0-No,  1-Yes\n");
        if (reader.nextInt() == 0)

        //get corordinate of bug
        //set map[coor] = symbol
        //print out map

        int r = (int) (Math.random() * (2- -2)) + -2;
        int originalHorpos = bug.horpos;
        int originalVertpos = bug.vertpos;
        bug.horpos = originalHorpos + r;
        bug.vertpos = originalVertpos + r;

        System.out.println("New Horizontal Position: " +bug.horpos );
        System.out.println("New Vertical Postion: " +bug.vertpos);


enum Item {
    OBJECT ('O'),FOOD ('F'), SPACE (' ');

    private final char symbol;
    Item(char symbol) {
        this.symbol = symbol;
    char getSymbol() { return symbol; }
class MyClass {
    Item[][] map = new Item[15][25];
    public void printWorld() {

        int v, h; //v - vert, h - hor

        for (v=1; v<=15; ++v)
            for (h=1; h<=25; ++h)

                final Item[] items = {Item.OBJECT, Item.FOOD, Item.SPACE, Item.SPACE, Item.SPACE, Item.SPACE, Item.SPACE, Item.SPACE};
                Random random = new Random();
                int selection = random.nextInt(items.length);
                map[v-1][h-1] = items[selection];
                System.out.print(map[v-1][h-1].getSymbol() + "_"); 

class ABug {                 //ABug class
    int horpos, vertpos, energy, id;
    String species, name, symbol;


edit 编辑

 package buglife; //imports import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; public class main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in); ABug[] BugObj = new ABug[4]; //Creating object BugObj of class ABug int loop = 4; int i = 0; int cycles; MyClass worldnew = new MyClass(); System.out.println("Please enter the number of cycles you wish to run:"); cycles = reader.nextInt(); //getting the amount of cycles to be run System.out.print("____Current World____\\n\\n"); worldnew.printWorld(); //calling method to print out world System.out.println("____Key____\\n_F_ - Food\\n_O_ - Object\\n_ _ - Space\\nSymbol - Bug"); do{ BugObj[i] = new ABug(); //creating instance System.out.print("Please enter the symbol which you wish to represent the bug:"); BugObj[i].symbol = reader.next(); System.out.print("Please enter the name of the bug:"); BugObj[i].name = reader.next(); System.out.println("Please enter the species of the bug:"); BugObj[i].species = reader.next(); System.out.println("Please enter the horizontal position of the bug:"); BugObj[i].horpos = reader.nextInt(); System.out.println("Please enter the vertical postion of the bug:"); BugObj[i].vertpos = reader.nextInt(); System.out.println("_______________ Bug " +(+i+1) + " _______________\\n" ); System.out.println("Symbol: " + BugObj[i].symbol); //Printing bug information out System.out.println("Name: " + BugObj[i].name); System.out.println("Species: " + BugObj[i].species); System.out.println("Horizontal Position: " + BugObj[i].horpos); System.out.println("Vertical Postion: " + BugObj[i].vertpos + "\\n\\n"); move(BugObj[i], worldnew); i++; System.out.println("Would you like to enter another bug? \\n 0-No, 1-Yes\\n"); loop = reader.nextInt(); }while(loop == 1); } public static void move(ABug bug, MyClass wolrdnew){ Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Would you like this bug to move?\\n 0-No, 1-Yes\\n"); if (reader.nextInt() == 0) { System.exit(0); } int x = bug.horpos; int y = bug.vertpos; worldnew.setMap(x,y,bug.symbol()); worldnew.printWorld(); //get corordinate of bug //set map[coor] = symbol //print out map int r = (int) (Math.random() * (2- -2)) + -2; int originalHorpos = bug.horpos; int originalVertpos = bug.vertpos; bug.horpos = originalHorpos + r; bug.vertpos = originalVertpos + r; //bug.horpos += r; //bug.vertpos += r; System.out.println("New Horizontal Position: " +bug.horpos ); System.out.println("New Vertical Postion: " +bug.vertpos); } } //public void smellFood (Direction d){ // int MaxSensingDist = 2; //} //public void getRandomDirectionToMove (Direction d){ // //} //public void getDirectionOfFood (){ //} enum Item { OBJECT ('O'),FOOD ('F'), SPACE (' '); private final char symbol; Item(char symbol) { this.symbol = symbol; } char getSymbol() { return symbol; } } class MyClass { public void setMap(int x, int y, Item symbol) { this.map[x][y] = symbol; } Item[][] map = new Item[15][25]; public void printWorld() { int v, h; //v - vert, h - hor for (v=1; v<=15; ++v) { for (h=1; h<=25; ++h) { //map[0][0] = Item.TREE; //map[0][1] = Item.FOOD; //System.out.print(map[0][0].getSymbol()); //System.out.print(map[0][1].getSymbol()); //final String[] items = {"F", "O", ". ", ". ", ". ", ". ", ". ", ". "}; //Random random = new Random(); //int index = random.nextInt(items.length); //System.out.printf(items[index] + "\\t"); final Item[] items = {Item.OBJECT, Item.FOOD, Item.SPACE, Item.SPACE, Item.SPACE, Item.SPACE, Item.SPACE, Item.SPACE}; Random random = new Random(); int selection = random.nextInt(items.length); map[v-1][h-1] = items[selection]; System.out.print(map[v-1][h-1].getSymbol() + "_"); } System.out.printf("\\n"); } } } class ABug { //ABug class int horpos, vertpos, energy, id; String species, name, symbol; } 

how about just 怎么样

int x = bug.get(horpos);
int y = bug.get(vertpos);



and in MyClass, add a new method like 在MyClass中,添加一个新方法,例如

void setMap(int x, int y, String symbol)
    this.map[x][y] = symbol;

you might need to make some changes to suit your code, but the basic idea remains the same 您可能需要进行一些更改以适合您的代码,但是基本思想仍然相同

Edit 编辑

you will also need to change the 您还需要更改




and change the definition of your move function as 然后将移动功能的定义更改为

public static void move(ABug bug, MyClass worldnew)

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