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[英]How to set up routing in mapping with elasticsearch-rails

I'm trying to translate this mapping for an Item model using the tire gem to its equivalent with the elasticsearch-rails gem: 我正在尝试将使用tire gem的Item模型的映射转换为与elasticsearch-rails gem等效的映射:

tire do
    _parent: { type: 'player' },
    _routing: { required: true, path: :user }
  ) do

  indexes :user, type: "string", index: :not_analyzed


My mapping in elasticsearch-rails is: 我在elasticsearch-rails映射是:

mapping(_parent: {type: 'player', require: 'true', _routing: {path: 'user', required: 'true'}}) do
  indexes :user, type: "string", index: not_analyzed

This seems okay until I try to import some players: 在尝试导入一些播放器之前,这似乎还可以:

transform_function = lambda do |item|
  index: {
    _id: item.id,
    _parent: item.player_id,
    _routing: item.user_id,
    data: item.__elasticsearch__.as_indexed_json

Item.__elasticsearch__.import \
    index: 'my_index', 
    batch_size: 100, 
    transform: transform_function

I get an error when I try to import stuff: 尝试导入内容时出现错误:

Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::BadRequest: [400] 
    "error" : "MapperParsingException[The provided routing value [1] doesn't match the routing key stored in the document: [null]]",

I don't know what that error means and I can't seem to find an applicable explanation online. 我不知道该错误意味着什么,而且我似乎无法在网上找到适用的说明。 Other people who experienced this error seem to be doing something different... 其他遇到此错误的人似乎在做一些不同的事情。

I think this is just an issue with how I'm declaring the mapping in elasticsearch-rails . 我认为这只是我如何在elasticsearch-rails声明映射的问题。 Unfortunately, there isn't that much documentation around how this should look... Anyone have ideas? 不幸的是,关于它的外观并没有太多的文档...有人有想法吗?

I don't know who downvoted this question, but I think it's a totally useful question. 我不知道是谁对此问题投了反对票,但我认为这是一个完全有用的问题。

Turns out, when you don't need the path for this. 原来,当您不需要此path You can actually just set the routing part up like this: 您实际上可以像这样设置路由部分:

_routing: {type: 'user', required: 'true'})

I hope this helps someone. 我希望这可以帮助别人。

To the person who downvoted this question: maybe instead of making this community unwelcoming without reason, add a comment to explain why the question is bad. 对于拒绝该问题的人:也许不是让这个社区无缘无故地受欢迎,而是添加评论以解释为什么这个问题不好。

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