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[英]Using CSRF protection with WTForms-Alchemy

I have a web application with 3 forms. 我有一个包含3个表单的Web应用程序。 2 inherit from flask_wtf.form.Form which by itself inhertis from WTForms SecureForm. 2继承自于flask_wtf.form.Form,它本身来自WTForms SecureForm。 This means these forms have automatic CSRF protection. 这意味着这些表单具有自动CSRF保护。

The 3rd form inherits its properties from a model object and as such inherits from wtforms_alchemy.ModelForm which by itself inherits from wtforms.Form. 第三种形式从模型对象继承其属性,因此继承自wtforms_alchemy.ModelForm,它本身继承自wtforms.Form。

How can I add CSRF protection to this last form? 如何在最后一个表单中添加CSRF保护?

What worked for me was mixing in Form from flask_wtf package. 对我有用的是从flask_wtf包中混合Form。

from flask_wtf import Form

class YourForm(ModelForm, Form):

Results in also have a valid hidden CSRF token. 结果还有一个有效的隐藏CSRF令牌。

What worked for me was mixing in configure flask_wtf.csrf from flask_wtf package. 对我来说有用的是在flask_wtf包中配置flask_wtf.csrf。

py PY

from flask_wtf.csrf import CSRFProtect
csrf = CSRFProtect(app)

class UserForm(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
       model = User

userform = UserForm()

html HTML

<form method="post">
  {{ userform.csrf_token }}
  {{ userform.userform }}
  <input type="submit" name="submit">   

Results in also have a valid hidden CSRF token. 结果还有一个有效的隐藏CSRF令牌。

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