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[英]Mobile Ads on Facebook for iOS

Does anyone know if Facebook strips the link that you input when setting up a Mobile App Install ad? 有人知道Facebook在设置“移动应用安装”广告时是否会删除您输入的链接吗? Our Mobile App is not integrated with Facebook's SDK so I was hoping to track downloads from our paid ads through the iTunes Connect platform. 我们的移动应用程序未与Facebook的SDK集成在一起,因此我希望通过iTunes Connect平台跟踪付费广告的下载。

Yes, they strip it! 是的,他们脱掉它! You should try with a service between your app and Facebook like GearAds which is useful for your problem 您应该尝试在应用程序和Facebook之间使用GearAds之类的服务 ,这对解决您的问题很有用

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