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[英]React Native Image Picker

I want to use the React Native Image Picker I saw (here's the link https://github.com/marcshilling/react-native-image-picker/blob/master/README.md ) 我想使用我看到的React Native Image Picker(这是链接https://github.com/marcshilling/react-native-image-picker/blob/master/README.md

In step 3, what does the documentation mean by "Make sure you have 'Create Groups' selected" ? 在第3步中,文档“确保已选择'创建组'”是什么意思?

Also, "Make sure UIImagePickerManager.m is listed under 'Compile Sources' in your project's 'Build Phases' tab" 另外,“确保在项目的“构建阶段”标签中的“编译源”下列出了UIImagePickerManager.m”
How can I add the UIImagePickerManager.m in Build Phases, because when I try to add the file, I can only the pick the folder where the is located, not the exact file. 我如何在“构建阶段”中添加UIImagePickerManager.m,因为当我尝试添加文件时,我只能选择“。”所在的文件夹,而不是确切的文件。

To answer your first question: In Xcode when you add files that are in existing Groups (what Xcode calls folders because they're separate from actual file structures) you can create the groups you are missing automatically by checking a box in the dialog that is labeled "Create Groups" or something similar . 回答第一个问题:在Xcode中,当您添加现有组中的文件(Xcode之所以称其为文件夹,是因为它们与实际文件结构分开)时,您可以通过选中对话框中的一个框来自动创建丢失的组标有“创建组”或类似名称的标签 However, I don't think adding the folder to your library will prompt you in that way. 但是,我认为将文件夹添加到库中不会以这种方式提示您。

Second question: You could simply drag that single file out of the library and into your Compile Sources. 第二个问题:您可以简单地将单个文件从库中拖出到编译源中。 At this point it might prompt you with a dialog that does include "Create Groups" as an option. 此时,它可能会提示您一个对话框,其中确实包含“创建组”作为选项。

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