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[英]Show image based on input id or title through css

does anybody know how I can add an image before the label that is dependent on the input id or the title itself? 有谁知道如何在依赖于输入ID或标题本身的标签前添加图像? So this is from my magento checkout and I want to show an image based on the payment method. 这是我的magento结帐帐户,我想显示基于付款方式的图像。 This is the code 这是代码

    <input id="p_method_msp_ideal" value="msp_ideal" type="radio" name="payment[method]" title="iDEAL" class="radio validate-one-required-by-name">
     <label for="p_method_msp_ideal">iDEAL</label>

You could use a specific background image; 您可以使用特定的背景图片; it depends on your layout how this should be positioned and rendered, the below code is an example: 这取决于您的布局,该如何定位和呈现,以下代码为示例:

#p_method_msp_ideal + .payment-method{
  width: 18px;
  height: 12px;
  background: url(images/ideal.png);

  <input id="p_method_msp_ideal" value="msp_ideal" type="radio" name="payment[method]" title="iDEAL" class="radio validate-one-required-by-name">
  <span class="payment-method"></span>
  <label for="p_method_msp_ideal">iDEAL</label>

You could do this via psuedo elements, except that you can't place psuedo elements on an input. 您可以通过psuedo元素执行此操作,但不能将psuedo元素放置在输入中。

    <input id="p_method_msp_ideal" value="msp_ideal" type="radio" name="payment[method]" title="iDEAL" class="radio validate-one-required-by-name">
    <label for="p_method_msp_ideal">iDEAL</label>

It's a bit of an inefficient selector but this should work: 选择器效率低下,但这应该可以工作:

input[title="iDEAL"] + label:before {
  content: "";
  display: inline-block;
  width: 18px;
  height: 12px;
  background: url(images/ideal.png);

Alternatively, if your for="p_method_msp_ideal" is unique, use this instead of the sibling selector, or just generate a class name on the label based on the payment method. 另外,如果您的for="p_method_msp_ideal"是唯一的,请使用它代替兄弟选择器,或者仅根据付款方式在标签上生成类名。

jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/f1eLocoq/ jsfiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/f1eLocoq/

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