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Listview在添加列表项Jquery Mobile时重复ID

[英]Listview duplicates ID on adding list item Jquery Mobile

I am building a custom Jquery mobile list where I have a domain list(li) which has few flip switch. 我正在建立一个自定义的Jquery移动列表,其中我有一个域列表(li)几乎没有翻转开关。

I am dynamically creating the flip switches. 我正在动态创建拨动开关。 When creating, unique ID's were assigned. 创建时,分配了唯一的ID。 I checked when creating and all have the unique ID's. 我在创建时进行了检查,并且都具有唯一的ID。 After creating an flip switch, am appending to the list item. 创建翻转开关后,将添加到列表项。

After refreshing list, I can see the flip-boxes having the same ID's like other Flip-boxes. 刷新列表后,我可以看到与其他翻转框具有相同ID的翻转框。 I verified when creating and it was fine. 我在创建时进行了验证,这很好。 After creating, it malformed. 创建后,它格式不正确。

Am using Foundation JS to construct the grid. 我正在使用Foundation JS构建网格。

The JavaScript code which does this is, 执行此操作的JavaScript代码是

for(var currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < myArray.length ; currentIndex ++){

    var currentField =  myArray[currentIndex];

    $('#my-list').append('<li data-role="list-divider" class="my-list-by-domain">'+currentField.Name+'</li>');

    for(var domainCount = 0; domainCount < (currentField.UserGoals).length ; domainCount++) {

        var currentMyGoalField = (currentField.UserGoals)[domainCount];

        var myGoalsDataElement = $(".my-goals-content-template .my-goals-data-row").clone();

        var switchElement =  ('<fieldset><div data-role="fieldcontain">' +

            '<select class="my-goals-flip-switch" data-role="flipswitch" onchange="goalOnChange(' + currentMyGoalField.UserGoalId + ')" ' +

            'id="my-goals-toggle-' + currentMyGoalField.UserGoalId + '">' +

            '<option value="true">Yes</option>' +

            '<option value="false">No</option>' +

            '</select></div>' +


        $(".my-goals-label", myGoalsDataElement).text(currentMyGoalField.Name);






The HTML container for the same is , 相同的HTML容器是,

<div class="my-goals-content-template" style="display: none">

    <div class="row my-goals-data-row">

        <div class="small-9 medium-10 large-10 columns my-goals-label"></div>

        <div class=" small-3 medium-2 large-2 columns">

            <div id="my-goals-complete-check">





Can anyone help me in understanding this. 谁能帮助我理解这一点。

I found the issue. 我发现了问题。

Actually I have to specify the container where the control resides. 实际上,我必须指定控件所在的容器。

The fix is, 解决方法是,



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