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[英]How can I get a value to expand over multiple rows in Excel?

I need to place a text value spanning four rows. 我需要放置一个跨越四行的文本值。 I thought/hoped this would work: 我认为/希望这样做会起作用:

private int curDescriptionTopRow = 8;
. . .
private void AddDescription(String desc)
    int curDescriptionBottomRow = curDescriptionTopRow + 3;

    _xlSheet.Range[_xlSheet.Cells[curDescriptionTopRow, 1], _xlSheet.Cells[curDescriptionBottomRow, 1]].Font.Bold = true;
    _xlSheet.Range[_xlSheet.Cells[curDescriptionTopRow, 1], _xlSheet.Cells[curDescriptionBottomRow, 1]].VerticalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;
    _xlSheet.Range[_xlSheet.Cells[curDescriptionTopRow, 1], _xlSheet.Cells[curDescriptionBottomRow, 1]].Value2 = desc;

    curDescriptionTopRow = curDescriptionTopRow + 4;

I need the first description to display, vertically centered, in cells A8 - A11 (column A, rows 8-11). 我需要第一个描述以垂直居中的方式显示在单元格A8-A11中(列A,第8-11行)。

The code above adds the description in all four rows, rather than just one time in the four rows. 上面的代码在所有四行中添加了描述,而不是在四行中仅添加了一次。

How can I prevent the three redundant appearances of the description? 如何防止描述的三个重复出现?

Defining and then Merging the range works: 定义然后合并范围是可行的:

private int curDescriptionTopRow = 8;
. . .
private void AddDescription(String desc)
    int curDescriptionBottomRow = curDescriptionTopRow + 3;

    var range =
        _xlSheet.Range[_xlSheet.Cells[curDescriptionTopRow, 1], _xlSheet.Cells[curDescriptionBottomRow, 1]];

    range.Font.Bold = true;
    range.VerticalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignCenter;
    range.Value2 = desc;

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