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[英]Font-Awesome icons not loaded due to piece of CSS code

I am trying to integrate font-awesome into a web project but an identified little piece of code in my css makes the font-awesome icons appear as white squares. 我试图将font-awesome集成到一个Web项目中,但是在我的CSS中识别出的一小段代码会使字体-awesome图标显示为白色正方形。 When I remove the little peace of CSS code it works but I cannot remove it due to the current web site layout. 当我删除一些CSS代码时,它可以工作,但是由于当前的网站布局,我无法删除它。 Is there a way to make the icons appear right anyway? 是否有办法使图标正确显示?

This is the code that blocks the icons that is needed for the layout: 这是阻止布局所需的图标的代码:

    box-sizing: border-box;
    position: relative;
    font-family : Arial;
    font-size   : 12px;
    font-weight : normal;

It doesn't matter if font-awesome css is included before or after my custom css code. 无论是在我的自定义CSS代码之前还是之后,都添加了font-awesome CSS。 The issue remains... 问题仍然存在...

The problem is in *:before so you have to change that in you css. 问题出在*:before因此您必须在CSS中进行更改。 Take a look at this https://jsfiddle.net/ss95sfLz/ 看看这个https://jsfiddle.net/ss95sfLz/


  box-sizing: border-box;
  position: relative;
  font-family : Arial;
  font-size   : 12px;
  font-weight : normal;

This is problem because font-awesome icon use :before and this is the code 这是有问题的,因为真棒字体图标使用:before ,这是代码

.fa-balance-scale::before {
   content: "";

You are overriding all (*) of the fonts in the :before and :after pseudo selectors; 您将覆盖:before:after伪选择器中的所有(*) 字体 which are used by font-awesome and many other libs. 真棒字体和许多其他lib都使用了它们。 You should try to target only what needs to be changed by that code-snippet with a .class or #id . 您应该尝试定位需要使用.class#id代码段进行的#id

Your font-family is being overwritten to Arial. 您的字体系列已被覆盖为Arial。 Remove the font related parts from this selector and add it to a body selector. 从此选择器中删除与字体相关的部分,并将其添加到body选择器中。

    box-sizing: border-box;
    position: relative;

body {
    font-family : Arial;
    font-size   : 12px;
    font-weight : normal;

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