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[英]Unable to convert Month-Year string to Date in R

I'm using as.Date to convert a string like Aug-2002 to a dates object representing just the month of Aug of 2002, or if a day must be specified, Aug 1, 2002. 我正在使用as.Date将类似Aug-2002的字符串转换为as.Date Aug-2002的月份的dates对象,或者如果必须指定日期,即2002年8月1日。

However 然而

> as.Date(c('07-2002'), "%M-%Y")
[1] "2002-11-06"

> as.Date(c('Aug-2002'), "%b-%Y")
[1] NA

Why does the first line of code convert it to a different month and day? 为什么第一行代码将其转换为不同的月份和日期? And the second one is NA ? 第二个是NA

I referred to this table for the formatting symbols. 我参考了此表中的格式符号。


The problem you are having is that the dates you have do not have a day value. 您遇到的问题是您拥有的日期没有日期值。 Without the day value the format="%m-%Y" will not work in as.Date. 没有日期值,格式=“%m-%Y”将无法在as.Date中使用。 These options below will solve them: 以下这些选项将解决它们:

as.Date(paste0('01-', c('07-2002')), format="%d-%m-%Y")

library(zoo) #this is a little more forgiving:
as.yearmon(c('07-2002'), "%m-%Y")
as.yearmon(c('Aug-2002'), "%b-%Y")

as.Date(as.yearmon(c('07-2002'), "%m-%Y"))

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