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Python:将传感器数据从Raspberry Pi推送到xive

[英]Python: pushing sensor data from Raspberry Pi to xively

I have this project where I need to push GrovePi ultrasonic ranger data to xively but it keeps having error. 我有这个项目,我需要把GrovePi超声波测距仪数据推到Xive,但是它一直有错误。 I want the ultrasonic ranger to detect movement and count the number detected. 我希望超声波测距仪能够检测到运动并计数检测到的数量。 This number will be push to xively. 该数字将被强制发送。

This is the error I get: 这是我得到的错误:


Have you tried just pushing any data to xively. 您是否尝试过仅推送任何数据。 From the error it looks like the code is having a problem pushing any data to xively, probably a wrong URL or API key. 从该错误看来,代码在将任何数据推送到xive时遇到了问题,可能是错误的URL或API密钥。

For any further questions contact us here as it would be easier for us to help. 如有任何其他问题,请与我们联系因为这样对我们更容易提供帮助。

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