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Has_Many Through关联和嵌套属性

[英]Has_Many Through Associations and Nested Attributes

I'm trying to create a view allowing me to create and edit values of my joining table directly. 我正在尝试创建一个视图,允许我直接创建和编辑联接表的值。 This model is called 'hires'. 该模型称为“员工”。 I need to be able to create multiple rows in my joining table for when a child hires up to 2 books. 当一个孩子租用最多2本书时,我需要能够在联接表中创建多行。 I'm having some trouble and I suspect it's down to my associations... 我遇到了一些麻烦,我怀疑这取决于我的协会...

I have 3 models. 我有3个模型。 Each Child can have 2 books: 每个孩子可以拥有2本书:

class Child < ActiveRecord::Base
 has_many :hires
 has_many :books, through: :hires

class Hire < ActiveRecord::Base
 belongs_to :book
 belongs_to :child
 accepts_nested_attributes_for :book
 accepts_nested_attributes_for :child

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :hires
  has_many :children, through: :hires
  belongs_to :genres

The controller looks like this: 控制器如下所示:

class HiresController < ApplicationController


def new
    @hire = Hire.new
    2.times do

 def create
    @hire = Hire.new(hire_params)

    respond_to do |format|
      if @hire.save
        format.html { redirect_to @hire, notice: 'Hire was successfully created.' }
        format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @hire }
        format.html { render :new }
        format.json { render json: @hire.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }


    # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
    def set_hire
      @hire = Hire.find(params[:id])

    # Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.
        def hire_params
  params.require(:hire).permit(:child_id, book_attributes: [ :id, :book_id, :_destroy])

The view likes this: 该视图如下所示:

<%= form_for(@hire) do |f| %>

    <%= f.label :child_id %><br>
    <%= f.select(:child_id, Child.all.collect {|a| [a.nickname, a.id]}) -%>

    <%= f.fields_for :books do |books_form| %>

    <%= books_form.label :book_id %><br>
    <%= books_form.select(:book_id, Book.all.collect {|a| [a.Title, a.id]}) %>
        <%# books_form.text_field :book_id #%>
    <% end %>

  <div class="actions">
    <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

The problem is, the hash is not submitting books_attributes as you'd expect, it's just submitting 'books': 问题是,哈希没有按您期望的那样提交books_attributes,而只是提交了“ books”:

Processing by HiresController#create as HTML
  Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"xx", "hire"=>{"child_id"=>"1", "books"=>{"book_id"=>"1"}}, "commit"=>"Create Hire"}
Unpermitted parameter: books

I suspect this is because my associations for the Hire model are: 我怀疑这是因为我与雇用模型的关联是:

belongs_to :book
accepts_nested_attributes_for :book

which means I can't build the attributes correctly but I'm not sure how to solve this. 这意味着我无法正确构建属性,但不确定如何解决此问题。 Any help would be great, am I solving this problem badly? 任何帮助都会很大,我是否严重解决了这个问题?

Try changing books_attributes to book_attributes in strong paramters for hire_param. 尝试将hir_param的强参数中的books_attributes更改为book_attributes。

    def hire_params
  params.require(:hire).permit(:child_id, book_attributes: [ :id, :book_id, :_destroy])

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