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[英]Haskell alternative to virtual methods and method inheritance

Let's say I have something like this in Java: 假设我在Java中有类似的内容:

class A {
    int v;
    public A(int v) {
        this.v = v;
    public int a() {
        return v;

class B extends A {
    public B(int v) { 
    public int a() {
        return super.a() + 5;

How could I do something similar in Haskell? 我该如何在Haskell中做类似的事情? I have a very basic understanding what typeclasses are. 我对类型类有一个非常基本的了解。 I would like to have something like ArrayList<A> of objects (or just [A] in Haskell) with virtual methods, which would be inherited from the superclass. 我想使用虚拟方法创建类似ArrayList<A>的对象(或者在Haskell中只是[A] ),这些方法将从超类继承。

There's kind of a "pattern" that works like this: 有点像这样的“模式”:

data Animal m = Animal {
  makeSound :: m ()

cat = Animal {
  makeSound = print "Meow!"

dog = Animal {
  makeSound = print "Woof!"

cow = Animal {
  makeSound = print "Moo!"

animals = [cat, cat, dog, cow]

main = mapM_ makeSound animals

Using this pattern you can do some more-or-less crazy things such as: 使用这种模式,您可以做一些或多或少的疯狂事情,例如:

import Data.Maybe

data I a = I {
  f :: a,
  sup :: Maybe (I a)

mkA = I { f = 10,  sup = Nothing }

mkB = let a = mkA in I { 
   f = 5 + f a,
   sup = Just a

ls = [mkA, mkB, fromJust $ sup mkB]

main = mapM_ (print . f) ls

This pattern can also be used to achieve "factory"-like functionality like: 此模式还可用于实现类似于“工厂”的功能,例如:

import Data.IORef

data Storage m a = Storage {
  putData :: String -> m (),
  readData :: m String

fileStorage path = Storage {
  putData = \s -> writeFile path s,
  readData = readFile path

inMemStorage ref = Storage {
  putData = \s -> writeIORef ref s,
  readData = readIORef ref

readStorage storage = readData storage

chooseStorage "file" = return $ fileStorage "tmp.txt"
chooseStorage "mem" = do
  r <- newIORef ""
  return $ inMemStorage r

main = do
  storage <- chooseStorage "mem"
  putData storage "hi there"
  txt <- readData storage
  print txt

Basically you define a data type that has functions as its members and then define "constructors" (which are just regular functions) that return an instance of that data type. 基本上,您定义一个以函数为成员的数据类型,然后定义返回该数据类型实例的“构造函数”(只是常规函数)。

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