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[英]How to start WildFly8 server (in OpenShift)

This question is in relation to my previous question . 这个问题与我以前的问题有关

I want to implement the new HTML5 WebSocket feature in WildFly 8.2.1 in OpenShift. 我想在OpenShift的WildFly 8.2.1中实现新的HTML5 WebSocket功能。 My previous post has my java class (which is the server) and a html client and the pom.xml file. 我以前的帖子有我的java类(它是服务器),一个html客户端和pom.xml文件。 The problem was whenever I made opened the MyTest.html, the WebSocket connection would immediately disconnect. 问题是,每当我打开MyTest.html时,WebSocket连接都会立即断开连接。

I was reading this article on how to implement WebSockets on OpenShift using WildFly 8.2.1. 我正在阅读有关如何使用WildFly 8.2.1在OpenShift上实现WebSockets的文章 It said that you actually have to start the wildfly server by action hooks and by doing so in the terminal. 它说,您实际上必须通过操作挂钩并在终端中启动Wildfly服务器。 I have no clue what they are talking about. 我不知道他们在说什么。 Could you please assist me in this manner as I am new to this. 您能以这种方式为我提供帮助,因为我是新来的。

Thank you for your help! 谢谢您的帮助!

First, I think you should continue with your previous question . 首先,我认为您应该继续上一个问题 I see that there's some confusion about that the server needs to be bound to port 8080 and the client should be connecting to 8000 when using websockets. 我看到服务器需要绑定到端口8080,而客户端应该在使用websockets时连接到8000,这引起了一些困惑。

Second, the article you are referring is using a DIY cartridge to run the WilDFly server. 其次, 您所引用的文章是使用DIY墨盒运行WilDFly服务器。 There are better options how to do that now - using one of the available OpenShift cartridges ( WilDfly 8.2.1 is among them). 现在,有更好的方法可以执行此操作-使用可用的OpenShift盒式磁带之一(其中包括WilDfly 8.2.1 )。 That way you don't need to worry about the initial setup that much. 这样,您无需担心初始设置。 If you have not used one of the WildFly cartridges, this guide could be helpful. 如果您未使用其中一个WildFly墨盒,则本指南可能会有所帮助。

I think, that after following up the above, you may no longer need this, but as you've asked, here is a guide on how to manage WildFly server on OpenShift (that includes suspend, resume). 我认为,按照上述步骤进行操作后,您可能不再需要此功能,但是正如您所问的那样, 是有关如何在OpenShift上管理WildFly服务器的指南(包括暂停,恢复)。 You will need to use rhc port-forward <your_wildfly_app> in order to access it using your web browser. 您将需要使用rhc port-forward <your_wildfly_app>才能通过Web浏览器访问它。 (The WildFly admin runs on the 9990 port.) (WildFly管理员在9990端口上运行。)

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