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[英]Resizing div top left corner using jquery

I have a div which I want to resize from all sides and corners, ie nw, n, ne, e, w, sw, s, se. 我有一个div,我想从所有侧面和各个角落调整大小,即nw,n,ne,e,w,sw,s,se。 I have tried jquery ui's resizable plugin but in my code that is not working. 我尝试了jQuery ui的可调整大小的插件,但是在我的代码中不起作用。 I have removed complexity from my code and placed it in a very basic fiddle. 我已经从代码中删除了复杂性,并将其放在了非常基本的小提琴中。

I have tried to resize only north-west corner of a div and put that logic in fiddle. 我试图仅调整div的西北角的大小,并将这种逻辑放在小提琴中。 Logic seems correct to me but mouse interaction is working in a weird way. 逻辑对我来说似乎是正确的,但鼠标交互的工作方式很奇怪。

Can you guys tell me what am I doing wrong here? 你们能告诉我我在做什么错吗? If I get it correct for top left corner I can manage for the remaining ones. 如果我对左上角的设置正确,则可以管理其余的左上角。 Thanks. 谢谢。


<div id="box">
    <div id="nw"></div>
    <div id="n"></div>
    <div id="ne"></div>
    <div id="w"></div>
    <div id="e"></div>
    <div id="sw"></div>
    <div id="s"></div>
    <div id="se"></div>
<p class="one"></p>
<p class="two"></p>


#box{border:1px solid #000;width:100px;height:100px;background-color:red;position:absolute;top:100px;left:100px}
#box > div{height:10px;width:10px;background-color:#000;position:absolute}


    var mousepress = false;
    $("#box > div").mousedown(function(e){
        mousepress = true;

    $("#box > div").mousemove(function(e){
        if(mousepress) {
            var boxX = $("#box").position().left;
            var boxY = $("#box").position().top;
            var boxW = $("#box").width();
            var boxH = $("#box").height();

            var x = boxX - e.pageX;//$(this).position().left;
            var y = boxY - e.pageY;//$(this).position().top;
            $("p.two").append("x: "+x+"<br />");


    $("#box > div").mouseup(function(){
        mousepress = false;

**JSFIDDLE: ** http://jsfiddle.net/ashwyn/v8qoLj76/2/ ** JSFIDDLE:** http://jsfiddle.net/ashwyn/v8qoLj76/2/

I didn't quite understand how you calculated the size and position of the box, without knowing which of the inside divs the user pressed. 我不完全了解您如何计算盒子的大小和位置,却不知道用户按下了哪个内部div。

I have changed it to use the mouse event position. 我已将其更改为使用鼠标事件位置。

I also moved the mousemove and mouseup events to the document, because when dragging using the mouse, it may move faster then the DOM and got out of the box. 我还将mousemovemouseup事件移到了文档中,因为使用鼠标拖动时,它的移动速度可能比DOM快,并且开箱即用。

I also changed positions of inside divs to use 50% so it will always be in the middle. 我还更改了内部div的位置以使用50%因此它将始终位于中间。 You may need to add a bit of margin to have it better centered. 您可能需要添加一些边距以使其更好地居中。 (See north vs south - I added margin-left to one of them) (请参阅北与南-我在其中一个中添加了margin-left

This works fine for me. 这对我来说很好。

http://jsfiddle.net/v8qoLj76/4/ http://jsfiddle.net/v8qoLj76/4/

var prev_x = -1;
var prev_y = -1;
var dir = null;
$("#box > div").mousedown(function(e){
    prev_x = e.clientX;
    prev_y = e.clientY;
    dir = $(this).attr('id');

    if (prev_x == -1)

    var boxX = $("#box").position().left;
    var boxY = $("#box").position().top;
    var boxW = $("#box").width();
    var boxH = $("#box").height();
    var dx = e.clientX - prev_x;
    var dy = e.clientY - prev_y;

    //Check directions
    if (dir.indexOf('n') > -1) //north
        boxY += dy;
        boxH -= dy;
    if (dir.indexOf('s') > -1) //south
        boxH += dy;
    if (dir.indexOf('w') > -1) //west
        boxX += dx;
        boxW -= dx;
    if (dir.indexOf('e') > -1) //east
        boxW += dx;


    prev_x = e.clientX;
    prev_y = e.clientY;

    prev_x = -1;
    prev_y = -1;

Is it something that you need (see the snippet below)? 是否需要(请参见下面的代码段)?

 $(function() { var ORIGINAL_TOP = 100, ORIGINAL_LEFT = 100, ORIGINAL_WIDTH = 100, ORIGINAL_HEIGHT = 100, OFFSET = 5; $('.top').css({top: (ORIGINAL_TOP - OFFSET) + 'px'}); $('.left').css({left: (ORIGINAL_LEFT - OFFSET) + 'px'}); $('.bottom').css({top: (ORIGINAL_TOP + ORIGINAL_HEIGHT - OFFSET) + 'px'}); $('.right').css({left: (ORIGINAL_LEFT + ORIGINAL_WIDTH - OFFSET) + 'px'}); $('.control-element').css({height: (2 * OFFSET) + 'px', width: (2 * OFFSET) + 'px'}); var moveMiddleControls = function(top, left, width, height) { ['top', 'bottom'].forEach(function(coordinate) { $('#' + coordinate).css({left: (left + width / 2 - OFFSET) + 'px'}); }); ['left', 'right'].forEach(function(coordinate) { $('#' + coordinate).css({top: (top + height / 2 - OFFSET) + 'px'}); }); }; var resizeBox = function(top, left, width, height) { $('#box').css({ top: top + 'px', left: left + 'px', width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px' }); }; var updateStatus = function(top, left, width, height) { $('#status-top').html(Math.round(top)); $('#status-left').html(Math.round(left)); $('#status-width').html(Math.round(width)); $('#status-height').html(Math.round(height)); }; var updatePosition = function(top, left, width, height) { resizeBox(top, left, width, height); moveMiddleControls(top, left, width, height); updateStatus(top, left, width, height); }; var update = function() { updatePosition( $('#top').position().top + OFFSET, $('#left').position().left + OFFSET, $('#right').position().left - $('#left').position().left, $('#bottom').position().top - $('#top').position().top ); }; update(); var activeElement; $('.control-element').mousedown(function(e) { activeElement = this; e.preventDefault(); return false; }); $(document).mousemove(function(e) { if(activeElement !== undefined) { ['top', 'bottom'].forEach(function(className) { if($(activeElement).hasClass(className)) { $('.' + className).css({top: e.pageY + 'px'}); } }); ['left', 'right'].forEach(function(className) { if($(activeElement).hasClass(className)) { $('.' + className).css({left: e.pageX + 'px'}); } }); update(); } }); $(document).mouseup(function() { activeElement = undefined; }); }); 
 #box { border:1px solid #000; background-color:red; position: fixed; } .control-element { background-color: #000; position: fixed; } #top-left { cursor: nw-resize; } #top { cursor:n-resize; } #top-right { cursor:ne-resize; } #left { cursor:w-resize; } #right { cursor:e-resize; } #bottom-left { cursor:sw-resize; } #bottom { cursor:s-resize; } #bottom-right { cursor: se-resize; } .status { position:fixed; right: 5px; bottom: 10px; width: 80px; height: 80px; z-index: 999; font-size:8px; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="box"></div> <div id="top-left" class="control-element top left"></div> <div id="top" class="control-element top"></div> <div id="top-right" class="control-element top right"></div> <div id="right" class="control-element right"></div> <div id="bottom-right" class="control-element bottom right"></div> <div id="bottom" class="control-element bottom"></div> <div id="bottom-left" class="control-element bottom left"></div> <div id="left" class="control-element left"></div> <div class="status"> <div>top: <span id="status-top"></span>px</div> <div>left: <span id="status-left"></span>px</div> <div>width: <span id="status-width"></span>px</div> <div>height: <span id="status-height"></span>px</div> </div> 

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