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使用Hibernate和Spring MVC在级联上保存包

[英]Save bag on cascade using Hibernate and Spring MVC

I have te following parent class 我有以下家长班

public class Parent {

    private Integer id;
    private List<Child> detail = ShrinkableLazyList.decorate(
            new ArrayList<Child>(),

With it's corresponding HBM as follows: 与之对应的HBM如下:

<class name="Parent" table="parents">
    <id name="id">
        <generator class="increment"></generator>
    <bag name="detail" cascade="all-delete-orphan">
        <key column="parentId" not-null="true" />
        <one-to-many class="Child" />

In my JSP edit form I list this detail as follows: 在我的JSP编辑表单中,我列出了以下详细信息:

<c:forEach items="${ parent.detail }" var="child" varStatus="status">
    <tr class="detail">
            <input name="detail[${ status.count }].id" type="hidden" value="${ child.id }">
            <input name="detail[${ status.count }].account" type="hidden" value="${ child.account.id }"><span>${ child.account }</span>

But when I try to perform an update() on the parent object I receive the following error: 但是,当我尝试在父对象上执行update()时,出现以下错误:

identifier of an instance of Child was altered from 20 to 19; nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException: identifier of an instance of Child was altered from 20 to 19

This is my DAO code 这是我的DAO代码

public void update (Parent parent) {

Any idea? 任何想法? Thanks 谢谢


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