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[英]Spring: ModelAndView can't locate view

This controller fails to find the view "index": 该控制器找不到视图“索引”:

public ModelAndView test2() throws Exception {
    return new ModelAndView("index");

It returns a 404 error, with the following in the GlassFish console: 它返回404错误,并在GlassFish控制台中显示以下内容:

Severe:   PWC6117: File "null" not found

That is strange because this controller finds it ok: 这很奇怪,因为此控制器认为可以:

public String test() throws Exception {
    return "index";

My project is NetBeans default Spring Web MVC project (using 4.0.1). 我的项目是NetBeans的默认Spring Web MVC项目(使用4.0.1)。 The only config change is to add this to applicationContext.xml: 唯一的配置更改是将其添加到applicationContext.xml:

<context:component-scan base-package="myapp"/>

It seems that either I'm using ModelAndView incorrectly, or for some reason it's using different view resolution. 看来我是错误地使用了ModelAndView,或者由于某种原因它正在使用不同的视图分辨率。

For reference, this is the view resolver: 供参考,以下是视图解析器:

<bean id="viewResolver"
      p:suffix=".jsp" />

And this is the web.xml for the dispatcher: 这是调度程序的web.xml:


I can't say with no doubt because you didn't post your list of importations of the code, but i think this error (404 not found) occurs when you import "org.springframework.web.portlet.ModelAndView" instead of "org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView" One is used for portlets, the other for servlets. 我不能肯定地说,因为您没有发布代码的导入列表,但是我认为当您导入“ org.springframework.web.portlet.ModelAndView”而不是“”时,会出现此错误(找不到404) org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView“,其中一个用于portlet,另一个用于servlet。 Most of the ide's imports the firs one automaticaly. 多数思想家自动进口冷杉。


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