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[英]initialize a base class pointer with an array of derived class objects

Am I allowed to do the following? 我可以做以下事情吗? To initialize a base class pointer with an array of derived class objects? 要使用派生类对象数组初始化基类指针? The gnu g++ it is crashing when reaching the delete statement ... GNU G ++到达删除语句时崩溃...

Any suggestion? 有什么建议吗? Do I have to overload the new [] and delete operators? 我是否需要重载new []和delete运算符?

Thanks! 谢谢!

   #include <iostream>

   using std::endl;
   using std::cout;
   using std::cin;

   // base class --> Base

   class Base {

   // constructor

   Base() {
       cout << " --> constructor --> Base" << endl;

   // destructor

   virtual ~Base() {
       cout << " --> destructor --> ~Base" << endl;

 // derived class --> D1

 class D1 : virtual public Base {

 // constructor

 D1() : Base(), x1(10) {
      cout << " --> constructor --> D1" << endl;

 // destructor

 virtual ~D1() {
      cout << " --> destructor --> ~D1" << endl;


 int x1;   

 // the main program

 int main()
    const int DIM = 100;
    Base * pb2 = new D1 [DIM];
    delete [] pb2;

    return 0;

This will not work - C arrays do not know about the dynamic size of polymorphic types. 这将行不通-C数组不知道多态类型的动态大小。 If you want to use polymorphism, then you have to use arrays (preferably std::vector or another standard array, not a C array) of pointers (preferably smart pointers) to the base type. 如果要使用多态性,则必须使用指向基本类型的指针(最好是智能指针)的数组(最好是std::vector或另一个标准数组,而不是C数组)。

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