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[英]Find first occurrence of an object with property in tree-like structure

I have a structure like this: 我有这样的结构:

  description: 'Beef Stew',
  complete: false,
  tasks: [{
    description: 'Cut vegetables',
    complete: false,
    tasks: [{
      description: 'Dice carrots',
      complete: false
    }, {
      description: 'Mince Garlic',
      complete: false
    }, {
      description: 'Prepare potatoes',
      complete: false,
      tasks: [{
        description: 'Peel potatoes',
        complete: false
      }, {
        description: 'Cut potatoes',
        complete: false

In this case, I am looking for the first occurance of an element with no tasks that is not complete . 在这种情况下,我正在寻找没有完成任务的元素的第一次出现 In this case, that means it should be { description: 'Dice carrots', completed: false } . 在这种情况下,这意味着它应该是{ description: 'Dice carrots', completed: false } Here is the basic of what I have written. 这是我写的基本内容。 codepen here too . 也是这里的代码

function next(steps) {
  return steps.reduce((r, step) => {
    return (step.tasks && step.tasks.length > 0 && !step.complete) ? next(step.tasks) : step;
  }, []);

This does get a deep step, but it ends up getting the last step. 这确实迈出了一大步,但它最终迈出了最后一步。 How can I make an algorithm that will get the first? 如何制作能够获得第一个算法?

I would use Array.prototype.find() 我会使用Array.prototype.find()

The mozilla site provides a polyfill implementation of this. mozilla站点提供了polyfill实现。

Applying it to your problem: 将它应用于您的问题:

var matchingStep = steps.find(function(step) {
    return !(step.tasks.find(function(task) { return !(task.complete); });

I got a pretty good solution in my Steps class, for if anyone is looking for the answer in the future. 我在Steps课程中得到了一个非常好的解决方案,因为如果有人在将来寻找答案的话。

class Steps {
  constructor(steps) {
    this.steps = steps;
    this.current = steps;
  next(steps=this.steps) {
    for(let step of steps) {
      if (step.tasks instanceof Array && !step.complete) {
        return this.next(step.tasks);
      return this.current = step;

This allows me to advance the step forward recursively. 这允许我递归地前进。

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