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gcloud 将 ssh 从一个虚拟机计算到 Google Cloud 上的另一个虚拟机

[英]gcloud compute ssh from one VM to another VM on Google Cloud

I am trying to ssh into a VM from another VM in Google Cloud using the gcloud compute ssh command.我正在尝试使用gcloud compute ssh命令从 Google Cloud 中的另一个 VM ssh 到 VM。 It fails with the below message:它失败并显示以下消息:

/usr/local/bin/../share/google/google-cloud-sdk/./lib/googlecloudsdk/compute/lib/base_classes.py:9: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
  import sets

 Connection timed out
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255]. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/troubleshooting#ssherrors for troubleshooting hints.

I made sure the ssh keys are in place but still it doesn't work.我确保 ssh 密钥已到位,但仍然无法正常工作。 What am I missing here?我在这里缺少什么?

There is an assumption that you have connected to the externally-visible instance using SSH beforehand with gcloud.假设您已事先通过 gcloud 使用 SSH 连接到外部可见的实例。

From your local machine, start ssh-agent with the following command to manage your keys for you:在您的本地机器上,使用以下命令启动 ssh-agent 来管理您的密钥:

me@local:~$ eval `ssh-agent`

Call ssh-add to load the gcloud compute public keys from your local computer into the agent, and use them for all SSH commands for authentication:调用 ssh-add 将 gcloud 计算公钥从本地计算机加载到代理中,并将它们用于所有 SSH 命令以进行身份​​验证:

me@local:~$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine

Log into an instance with an external IP address while supplying the -A argument to enable authentication agent forwarding.使用外部 IP 地址登录实例,同时提供 -A 参数以启用身份验证代理转发。

gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-A" INSTANCE

source: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/connecting-to-instance#sshbetweeninstances .来源: https : //cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/connecting-to-instance#sshbetweeninstances

I am not sure about the 'flags' because it's not working for me bu maybe I have a different OS or Gcloud version and it will work for you.我不确定“标志”,因为它对我不起作用,但也许我有不同的操作系统或 Gcloud 版本,它对你有用。

Here are the steps I ran on my Mac to connect to the Google Dataproc master VM and then hop onto a worker VM from the master MV.以下是我在 Mac 上运行以连接到 Google Dataproc 主虚拟机,然后从主 MV 跳转到工作虚拟机的步骤。 I ssh'd to the master VM to get the IP.我通过 ssh 连接到主 VM 以获取 IP。

$ gcloud compute ssh cluster-for-cameron-m Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

I then exit ed.然后我exit ed。 I enabled forwarding for that host.我为该主机启用了转发。

$ nano ~/.ssh/config

Host ForwardAgent yes

I added the gcloud key.我添加了 gcloud 密钥。 $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine

I then verified that it was added by listing the key fingerprints with ssh-add -l .然后我通过使用ssh-add -l列出密钥指纹来验证它是否已添加。 I reconnected to the master VM and ran ssh-add -l again to verify that the keys were indeed forwarded.我重新连接到主 VM 并再次运行ssh-add -l以验证密钥确实已转发。 After that, connecting to the worker node worked just fine.之后,连接到工作节点工作得很好。

ssh cluster-for-cameron-w-0

About using SSH Agent Forwarding...关于使用 SSH 代理转发...

Because instances are frequently created and destroyed on the cloud, the (recreated) host fingerprint keeps changing.由于实例在云上频繁创建和销毁,(重新创建的)主机指纹不断变化。 If the new fingerprint doesn't match with ~/.ssh/known_hosts , SSH automatically disables Agent Forwarding.如果新指纹与~/.ssh/known_hosts不匹配,SSH 会自动禁用代理转发。 The solution is:解决办法是:

$  ssh -A -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null ...

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