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[英]How to override the radio.phtml in custom module?

I have created a custom module which change the template for the bundle product option, it is in the radio.phtml . 我创建了一个自定义模块,该模块更改了bundle产品选项的模板,它位于radio.phtml

I am now overriding the radio.phtml on a new theme xxx/template/bundle/catalog/product/view/type/bundle/option/radio.phtml . 我现在重写radio.phtml上一个新的主题xxx/template/bundle/catalog/product/view/type/bundle/option/radio.phtml

But I want to put the radio.pthml into my custom module folder, that is template/mycompany/mymodule/radio.phtml 但是我想把radio.pthml放到我的自定义模块文件夹中,即template/mycompany/mymodule/radio.phtml

I understand that I can do in the mymodule.xml layout by using <action method="setTemplate"> , but how can I know the <reference> name for the radio.phtml ? 我了解可以通过使用<action method="setTemplate">mymodule.xml布局中进行<action method="setTemplate"> ,但是如何知道radio.phtml<reference>名称?

you need to rewrite this block because the theme are set in block.. 您需要重写此块,因为主题是在块中设置的。


you can in this function 你可以在这个功能

protected function _construct()

you can rewrite block module like that 你可以像这样重写模块


and call your phtml file 并调用您的phtml文件

class Spacename_Modulname_Block_Adminhtml_Radio extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
  protected function _construct()
            $this->setTemplate('test/radio.phtml'); //your file path link here

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