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[英]typo3: Page Render broken, after adding bootstrap grid element

I installed bootstrap_core and gridelements and this seems to do what I want it to do (giving me the option to make a content-element into 2,3 or 4 columns), but each time I insert a grid element, the rendering fails (??) and the CMS returns a blank page. 我安装了bootstrap_core和gridelements,这似乎可以完成我想要的事情(为我提供了将内容元素设置为2,3或4列的选项),但是每次插入grid元素时,渲染都会失败(? ?),则CMS返回空白页。

  • Is there a log of the page rendering? 是否有页面渲染日志? I need to find a clue to what is going wrong. 我需要找到问题出在哪里。
  • Am I doing the whole bootstrap+typo3 thing wrong? 我在整个bootstrap + typo3上做错了吗?

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

The easiest way to answer all questions of the type 'Where did my PHP rendering process get a hickup?' 回答所有类型的问题的最简单方法:“我的PHP渲染过程在哪里获得组装?” is XDebug. 是XDebug。 Install XDebug onto your dev machine and then just load the problematic page with &XDEBUG_TRACE=1 appended to the URL. 将XDebug安装到您的开发机器上,然后仅加载有问题的页面,并在URL上附加&XDEBUG_TRACE = 1。 You will get a nice trace of exactly what happened and where. 您将清楚地了解发生了什么事情以及发生在哪里。

You need to setup XDebug tracing in the configuration of XDebug but I have no doubt you will figure that one out from the manual. 您需要在XDebug的配置中设置XDebug跟踪,但是毫无疑问,您会从手册中了解到这一点。

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