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如何读取文件并将它们存储在字典中。 不使用 zip

[英]How to read a file and store them in dictionary. without using zip

I need to read the file that contains first line as a key and the second line as a value.我需要读取包含第一行作为键和第二行作为值的文件。 I am able to open the file and read it but i am not able to assign it to the dictionary format.我能够打开文件并阅读它,但我无法将其分配给字典格式。

def ticker(n):
infile = open(n)
content = infile.readlines()
c = {}
for lines in content:
    print (lines)

Below is my output, but i am not able to assign the first line to key and second line to value.下面是我的输出,但我无法将第一行分配给键,将第二行分配给值。



Use a dict generator:使用字典生成器:

{content[i]:content[i+1] for i in range(0, len(content)-1, 2)}

In your code like so:在您的代码中,如下所示:

def ticker(n):
    infile = open(n)
    content = infile.readlines()
    infile.close()  # Remember to close your file objects... (or use with block)
    return {content[i].strip():content[i+1].strip() for i in range(0, len(content)-1, 2)}

Or, as @ShadowRanger suggests using zip and slices:或者,正如@ShadowRanger 建议使用 zip 和 slices:

def ticker(n):
    with open(n) as infile:
        content = infile.readlines()
        return dict(zip(content[::2], content[1::2]))

You'd use zip , but not with tee , since that would pair all lines with their next line, not even lines with odd.您将使用zip ,但不使用tee ,因为这会将所有行与下一行配对,而不会将偶数行与奇数配对。 To pair even with odd, do:要偶数与奇数配对,请执行以下操作:

def ticker(file_name):
   with open(file_name) as f:
      stripped = iter(map(str.rstrip, f))
      return dict(zip(*([stripped] * 2)))

This is just wrapping a dict constructor around an inlined version of the grouper itertools recipe , though using zip since we know it's paired up.这只是一个包裹dict各地的内联版本构造grouper itertools配方,虽然使用zip ,因为我们知道它的配对。


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