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[英]Javascript Function with Callback and Parameters

I am running into an issue with some basic JS functions when trying to add in a callback that needs to run another function with params. 尝试添加需要使用参数运行另一个函数的回调时,我遇到了一些基本的JS函数问题。

Here is my email function: 这是我的电子邮件功能:

function sendEmail(template, to, cc, bcc, callback, optional=null){

// Define vars needed
var body = '',
    subject = '';

// Based on the template..

    case 'privateNote':

        // Define the subject
        subject = 'Tool Request - Private Note Added';

        // Define our body
        body += 'Hello, <br /><br />';
        body += 'A new private note has been added to Request #' + requestID + '.<br/><br/>';
        body += 'To visit the request, click the following link: <a href="' + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/tool/Request2.php?id=" + requestID + '">' + window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + "/tool/Request2.php?id=" + requestID + '</a>.';
        body += '<br /><br />';
        body += '<em>Message created by ' + userFirst + ' ' + userLast + '</em>';


// Send our email
    url: "../resources/Classes/class.email.php",
    type: "POST",
    cache: false,
    data: {
        from: "noreply@domain.com",
        to: to,
        cc: cc,
        bcc: bcc,
        subject: subject,
        body: body
    error: function(err) {
    success: function(data) {
        // Handle Callback

// Callbacks
function callFunction(func) {

// Reload the page
function refresh(){

This is how I use the function: 这就是我使用函数的方式:

sendEmail('privateNote', toArray, '', '', refresh, obj);

This is all working fine as expected, however I am faced with an issue. 一切都按预期工作,但是我面临一个问题。

There is a section where I need to send out two emails at the same time, one to the people who are added to the request and one to those were removed from that request. 在一个部分中,我需要同时发送两封电子邮件,一封给添加到请求中的人,一封给从请求中删除的人。

What I tried to do was: 我试图做的是:

var remove = sendEmail('privateNote', toArray, '', '', refresh, obj);

// Trigger Email to those who are added to the request
// However, I was trying to send a the other email with params as a callback instead of refreshing the page.

sendEmail('privateNote', toArray, '', '', remove, obj);

The problem when doing this is that it seems to be firing both at the same time without waiting for one to finish causing some async issues. 执行此操作时出现的问题是,似乎同时触发了两个事件,而没有等待一个事件完成,从而导致一些异步问题。

Is there a way to do this correctly? 有没有办法正确地做到这一点? I know this may not be the prettiest way to handles emails but everything has worked fine so far when only having to deal with one email at a time. 我知道这可能不是处理电子邮件的最漂亮方法,但是到目前为止,当一次只需要处理一封电子邮件时,一切都可以正常工作。

This immediately calls the sendEmail() function: 这将立即调用sendEmail()函数:

var remove = sendEmail('privateNote', toArray, '', '', refresh, obj);

Since sendEmail() doesn't return anything, remove is undefined . 由于sendEmail()不返回任何内容,因此removeundefined

To make it a proper callback, wrap it in a function() : 要使其成为适当的回调,请将其包装在function()

var remove = function() {
  sendEmail('privateNote', toArray, '', '', refresh, obj);

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