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[英]INSERT INTO Temp Table Dynamic Pivot

I've the following t-sql: 我有以下t-sql:

select      d.OutageType + '/' + e.Facility Outage,
            count(a.ItemNo) CountofItemNo
into        #tt
from        _OutageMaterial a
            inner join _OutageSchedule b on a.OutageScheduleID = b.OutageScheduleID
            inner join _MaterialScope c on a.MaterialScopeID = c.MaterialScopeID
            inner join _OutageType d on b.OutageTypeID = d.OutageTypeID
            inner join _Facility e on b.FacilityID = e.FacilityID
where       ReqQty <> 0
group by    c.MaterialScopeCode, e.Facility, d.OutageType
order by    d.outagetype, e.Facility, c.MaterialScopeCode

-- /// RESULT /// --

--Get distinct values of the PIVOT Column 
SELECT      @ColumnName= ISNULL(@ColumnName + ',','') + QUOTENAME(Outage)
FROM        (
            SELECT DISTINCT         Outage 
            FROM                    #tt
            ) AS Scope

--Prepare the PIVOT query using the dynamic 
SET @DynamicPivotQuery = 
N'SELECT MaterialScopeCode as Scope, ' + @ColumnName + '
FROM #tt
FOR Outage IN (' + @ColumnName + ')) AS PVTTable'

--Execute the Dynamic Pivot Query
EXEC sp_executesql @DynamicPivotQuery

I've tried many times, but still .. Error. 我已经尝试了很多次,但是仍然..错误。 I could not select the temp table because it doesn't created. 我无法选择临时表,因为它没有创建。 Invalid Object. 无效的对象。 I want to put the result of dynamic pivot into temp table. 我想将动态数据透视的结果放入临时表中。
How can i do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点? Please advise. 请指教。

Thank you. 谢谢。

what @MM93 told you, that is correct answer, but here is full code @ MM93告诉你的是正确的答案,但这是完整的代码

IF OBJECT_ID('TEMPDB.dbo.##TempTableTesting') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##TempTableTesting

declare @sql nvarchar(300) = 'SELECT MaterialScopeCode as Scope, ' + @ColumnName + '
into ##TempTableTesting
FROM #tt
FOR Outage IN (' + @ColumnName + ')) AS PVTTable'

execute sp_executesql @sql

select * from ##TempTableTesting

So in your case you have to use ##TempTable as those tables (global) are available to ALL sessions, #TempTable won't work in your case 因此,在您的情况下,您必须使用## TempTable,因为这些表(全局)可用于所有会话,而#TempTable在您的情况下将不起作用


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