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如何在intellij中打开StringTemplate模板(* .st)的语法突出显示?

[英]How do I turn on syntax highlighting for StringTemplate templates (*.st) in intellij?

I have a string template file (.st) in IntelliJ that I would like to see syntax highlighting on. 我在IntelliJ中有一个字符串模板文件(.st),我希望高亮显示语法。 How can I turn this on? 我该如何打开呢? I can't seem to find it anywhere. 我似乎在任何地方都找不到。

Short answer is - you can't. 简短的答案是-您不能。

Someone must first implement a syntax highlighter plugin for the format. 必须首先为该格式实现语法突出显示插件。 The StringTemplate author, Terrence Parr, has begun work on such a plugin for String Template 4 but it does not support the older .st file format. StringTemplate的作者Terrence Parr已经开始为String Template 4制作这样的插件,但它不支持较早的.st文件格式。 I tried the plugin. 我尝试了插件。 Even on .stg files it is not ideal if you use a dark editor theme. 即使使用.stg文件,使用深色编辑器主题也不是理想选择。

The best solution is to use HTML syntax for *.st files. 最好的解决方案是对*.st文件使用HTML语法。 You can set this in Preference > File types > HTML. 您可以在“首选项”>“文件类型”>“ HTML”中进行设置。

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