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React Native:在ScrollView上设置flex:1 contentContainerStyle会导致组件重叠

[英]React Native: Setting flex:1 on a ScrollView contentContainerStyle causes overlapping of components

Problem: 问题:

I have a ScrollView with 2 subviews and I want the first of them (lets call it ViewA) to have {flex: 1} so the other one (ViewB) will stick to the bottom of the screen - but only if their total height is smaller that the screen. 我有一个带有2个子视图的ScrollView,我希望他们中的第一个(让我们称之为ViewA)拥有{flex:1}所以另一个(ViewB)将坚持到屏幕的底部 - 但只有当他们的总高度是比屏幕小。 Of course that if they are higher than the screen I want it to scroll as usual. 当然,如果它们高于屏幕,我希望它像往常一样滚动。

Case 1 (GOOD): ViewA with long text, ViewB scrolls with it. 案例1(GOOD):带有长文本的ViewA,ViewB随之滚动。 https://rnplay.org/apps/slCivA https://rnplay.org/apps/slCivA

Case 2 (BAD): ViewA with short text, ViewB doesn't stick to the bottom. 案例2(BAD):ViewA用短文本,ViewB不坚持到底部。 https://rnplay.org/apps/OmQakQ https://rnplay.org/apps/OmQakQ

Tried Solution: 尝试的解决方案:

So I set the ScrollView's style AND contentContainerStyle to be flex: 1. I Also set ViewA's style to flex:1. 所以我将ScrollView的样式和contentContainerStyle设置为flex:1。我还将ViewA的样式设置为flex:1。 But when I do it, the ScrollView's contentContainer view is fixed to the screen height, thus not able to scroll if needed and even worse - ViewB overlaps ViewA. 但是当我这样做时,ScrollView的contentContainer视图固定在屏幕高度上,因此如果需要则无法滚动,甚至更糟糕 - ViewB与ViewA重叠。

Case 3 (BAD): ViewB sticks to the bottom, but the whole thing doesn't scroll. 案例3(BAD):ViewB坚持到底部,但整个事情不会滚动。 https://rnplay.org/apps/wZgtWA https://rnplay.org/apps/wZgtWA

If it's a bug - how to fix/workaround it? 如果这是一个错误 - 如何修复/解决它? If it's the expected behaviour - how can I achieve what I've described? 如果这是预期的行为 - 我怎样才能实现我所描述的?

Thanks. 谢谢。

尝试将{flexGrow: 1}contentContainerStyle prop

Ok, so i wasn't able to get it work by styling alone, but here's how I did it: 好吧,所以我无法通过造型单独完成它,但这是我如何做到的:

  1. Measure the height of the footer after it rendered (using onLayout , and measure ) 渲染后测量页脚的高度(使用onLayout ,并measure
  2. on the measure callback, I add the height (if needed) to a spacer view between ViewA and ViewB in order to place ViewB on the bottom. measure回调中,我将高度(如果需要)添加到ViewA和ViewB之间的间隔视图,以便将ViewB放在底部。
  3. In order to avoid showing 'jumps' to the user, I hide (with opacity) ViewB until its position is fixed. 为了避免向用户显示“跳跃”,我隐藏(使用不透明度)ViewB,直到其位置固定为止。

my CJSX code (stripped and simplified version): 我的CJSX代码(剥离和简化版):

Dimensions = require('Dimensions')
windowSize = Dimensions.get('window')

MyClass = React.createClass
  mixins: [TimerMixin]

  render: ->
    <ScrollView style={styles.container} automaticallyAdjustContentInsets={false}>
      <View style={styles.mainContainer}>
        ... THIS IS VIEW A ...      
        if !@state.footerWasFixed
      <View style={[styles.spacer, {height: @state.spacerSize || 0}]}></View>
      <View onLayout={@measureFooterPosition} style={[styles.extras, {opacity: if @state.footerWasFixed then 1 else 0 }]} ref='extras'>
        ... THIS IS VIEW B ...       

  measureFooterPosition: ->

  fixFooterPosition: (ox, oy, width, height) ->
    footerPosition = Math.round(oy + height)
    diff = windowSize.height - footerPosition
    if diff > 0
      @setState(spacerSize: diff)
    if !@state.footerWasFixed
      @setTimeout (=>
        @setState(footerWasFixed: true)
      ), 30

styles = StyleSheet.create(
    backgroundColor: 'grey'
    flex: 1
    backgroundColor: 'white'
    flex: 1
    backgroundColor: 'white'
    backgroundColor: 'white')

It's very simplified code, (my view has requirements much more specific then this..) but I hope it helps anyone. 这是非常简化的代码,(我的观点有更具体的要求,然后这个...)但我希望它可以帮助任何人。

Ok, I've made a sample here , and I think I've resolved the problem. 好的,我在这里做了一个样本,我想我已经解决了这个问题。 The main thing I did was to make a main container view with two inner views, then set the inner views to flex at 80% and 20% (you can adjust to make it look the way you want). 我做的主要是制作一个带有两个内部视图的主容器视图,然后将内部视图设置为80%和20%的flex(您可以调整以使其看起来像您想要的那样)。

https://rnplay.org/apps/O4UxFA https://rnplay.org/apps/O4UxFA

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