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[英]Executing asynchronous function , synchronously

I am making a chrome extension that blocks specific sites added to local storage through popup window. 我正在制作一个chrome扩展程序,该程序阻止通过弹出窗口添加到本地存储的特定站点。 I think the problem in this code is, it returns before completion of chrome.storage.local.get's callback. 我认为这段代码中的问题是,它会在chrome.storage.local.get的回调完成之前返回。 How can I make it wait for sometime before returning ? 如何让它等待一段时间才能返回?

function(details) {

var matched = false;

chrome.storage.local.get ( 'blocked_sites', function ( sites ) {
   var bsites = sites.blocked_sites;
   for ( i = 0, size = bsites.length; i < size; i++ ) {
    if ( details.url.indexOf( "://" + bsites[i] + "/" ) != -1 ) {
      matched = true;
    } // end if 
  } // end for

return { cancel: matched };
{ urls: ["<all_urls>"] },
["blocking"] );

chrome.storage.local.set({'blocked_sites': [ 'www.topnotchdev.com'] }, null);

You can't call any asynchronous function in webRequest blocking listeners. 您无法在webRequest阻止侦听器中调用任何异步函数。 There is no way around it, hacky or otherwise. 没有办法解决,无论是hacky还是其他方式。 It is fundamentally impossible, since JavaScript is single-threaded; 从根本上讲是不可能的,因为JavaScript是单线程的。 an async operation won't even start before the current function finishes executing. 当前功能完成执行之前,异步操作甚至不会启动

This means you cannot rely on asynchronous storage; 这意味着您不能依赖异步存储。 you must have a local synchronous cache for it. 您必须具有本地同步缓存。

Save blocked_sites to a variable, and update it on chrome.storage.onChanged event. blocked_sites保存为变量,并在chrome.storage.onChanged事件上chrome.storage.onChanged更新。 This way, you'll have a synchronous cache of the setting. 这样,您将拥有该设置的同步缓存。

With the way your code structured you won't be able to make return { cancel: matched }; 使用代码的结构化方式,您将无法获得return { cancel: matched }; execute after the callback. 在回调之后执行。 The reason is because return { cancel: matched }; 原因是因为return { cancel: matched }; is run in one execution frame ( the same that calls chrome.storage.local.get ) and the callback is run in some future execution frame. 在一个执行框架中运行(与调用chrome.storage.local.get相同),而回调在将来的某个执行框架中运行。 When you call asynchronous method it can only insert the callback into event loop for some future time, by the time that callback is executed return { cancel: matched }; 当您调用异步方法时,它只能在将来的某个时间将回调插入事件循环中,直到执行回调时为止return { cancel: matched }; is already executed. 已经执行。

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