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写入下一列 CSV 模块 Python

[英]Write to next column CSV module Python

I already looked for answers, all I want is if it sees that (if description in readline ) write the data in the next column where the active cell is, not in the next row.我已经在寻找答案,我想要的只是它是否看到(如果在readline description )将数据写入活动单元格所在的下一列,而不是下一行。

Here is the sample that I already got:这是我已经得到的样本:

This is what I want这就是我要的
This is the current data这是当前数据

row = 1

while True:
    result = crt.Screen.WaitForStrings( waitStrs )

    if result == 2:

    screenrow = crt.Screen.CurrentRow - 1
    readline = crt.Screen.Get(screenrow, 1, screenrow, 80)
    items = readline.split(':')

    # Split the line ( ":" delimited) and put some fields into Excel
    if 'interface ' in readline:
    elif ' description' in readline \
        or ' ip address' in readline \
        or ' port allow' in readline \
        or 'binding' in readline:
            worksheet.writerow(items[:1])  # <--(write this data in the next column where the active cell is)

Sample data:样本数据:

interface Aux0/0/1
inferface Vlanif30
 description Publc Link to CX600-3-B
 ip address

Using the sample data given below my snippet should do the job.使用下面给出的示例数据我的代码片段应该可以完成这项工作。 For further explanation please see comments in code.有关进一步的解释,请参阅代码中的注释。 The documentation of Python's csv module can be found here . Python 的 csv 模块的文档可以在这里找到。

Sample data:样本数据:

interface Aux0/0/1
inferface Vlanif30
 description Public Link to CX600-3-B
 ip address


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8

import csv

description_index = None
before_description = []
after_description = []

# Open input file and read each line
with open('data.csv') as infile:
        lines = infile.read().splitlines()

# Iterate through read lines and look for ' description'
# since we need to split output format based on this line number
for lno, line in enumerate(lines):
    if ' description' in line:
        description_index = lno

# if there is no ' description' we do not want to change output format
# and write all data to a row each.
# In order to do so, we set description_index to the length of the lines list.
if not description_index:
    description_index = len(lines)

# Knowing the line number of ' description' gives us the
# possibility to divide lines into two parts
before_description = lines[:description_index]
after_description = lines[description_index:]

# Open output file, init a csvwriter and write data.
# Since a row is defined by a list passed to the writer
# we iterate through the lines before the ' description'
# and cast each element as a list before passing it to the csvwriter.
# Since the part after ' description' should be in one row we write all
# all elements to a single list.
# Since we do not want to write empty lines, we check if each element exists.
with open('output.csv', 'w', newline='') as outfile:
    outputwriter = csv.writer(outfile)
    for element in before_description:
        if element:
    outputwriter.writerow([element for element in after_description if element])

Output (comma-separated csv-file):输出(逗号分隔的 csv 文件):

interface Aux0/0/1
inferface Vlanif30
 description Public Link to CX600-3-B, ip address

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