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[英]Get value of object property inside array of objects

I have array of objects: 我有对象数组:

var ads = [
    adName: "Football Team",
    adText: ["....","...."],
    adImg: ["images/img1.png", "images/img2.png", "", "", ""],
    adPreviewLink: "templateA",
    adSeconds: 15,
    adTime: ad1Time
    adName: "Basketball Team",
    adText: ["...","..."],
    adImg: ["images/img-b1.png", "images/img-b2.png", "", "", ""],
    adPreviewLink: "templateB",
    adSeconds: 10,
    adTime: ad2Time


adTime property is also an object: adTime属性也是一个对象:

var ad1Time = {
    hours: ["6","12"],
    day: [weekdaysEnum.monday, weekdaysEnum.wednsday],
    month: [monthEnum.march, monthEnum.april],
    year: 2016,
    daysNumber: []

now i want to check the adTime>>year, but I am getting an error. 现在我要检查adTime >> year,但是出现错误。

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'year' of undefined 未捕获的TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性“年”

Here is how i tried to check the property: 这是我尝试检查属性的方法:

var date = new Date();
var now_day = date.getDate();
var now_month = date.getMonth();
var now_year = date.getFullYear();

for (var i = 0; i < ads.length; i++) {
    if (ads[i].adTime.year == now_year) {
        for(var index_month; index_month < ads[i].adTime.month.length; index_month++)
            if(ads[i].adTime.month[index_month] == now_month)


So where is the mistake(the mistake here: ads[i].adTime.year)? 那么错误在哪里(这里的错误是:ads [i] .adTime.year)? Thanks. 谢谢。

您需要在“ ads”之前定义“ ad1Time”和“ ad2Time”。

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