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[英]nginx rewrite not end with .php extension

I'm using nginx to rewrite a URL like 我正在使用nginx重写URL,例如
http://www.sample.com/application to http://www.sample.com/index.php/application http://www.sample.com/applicationhttp://www.sample.com/index.php/application

rewrite rule is 重写规则是

if (!-e $request_filename) {
                rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php/$1 break;

My fastcgi config is 我的fastcgi配置是

location ~ \index.php {
                fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
                fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
                fastcgi_index index.php;
                include fastcgi_params;

But the rewrite rule is not working. 但是重写规则不起作用。
And I browse http://www.sample.com/index.php/application is not working also. 而且我浏览http://www.sample.com/index.php/application也无法正常工作。
the /application not passing to index.php /application不传递给index.php

What's wrong with it? 它出什么问题了?

If you break from a rewrite rule, the location context remains unchanged. 如果您breakrewrite规则,则位置上下文将保持不变。 You need to use last not break so that your fastcgi location is eventually found. 您需要使用last not break以便最终找到您的fastcgi位置。

Also, you have a redundant backslash in your regex rule. 另外,您的正则表达式规则中有多余的反斜杠。 It should probably be: 它可能应该是:

location ~ ^/index.php { ... } 

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