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[英]HTML5 Video with Dynamic Thumbnails

I have a problem, when creating thumbnails. 创建缩略图时出现问题。 The cross-domain problem I solved with the help of html2canvas PHP proxy. 我在html2canvas PHP代理的帮助下解决了跨域问题。

No error message in the Console. 控制台中没有错误消息。 But that Thumnbnails unfortunately are not visible, transparent or white. 但是不幸的是,这些钉子不可见,透明或白色。

Output cut in the source code: 输出切入源代码:

<img src=".......Output cut in the source code:NSUhEUgAABN8AAAS4=" width="120">

The script: 剧本:

var video = document.getElementById("thumb");
video.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", initScreenshot);
video.addEventListener("playing", startScreenshot);
video.addEventListener("pause", stopScreenshot);
video.addEventListener("ended", stopScreenshot);

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var ssContainer = document.getElementById("screenShots");
var videoHeight, videoWidth;
var drawTimer = null;

function initScreenshot() {
  videoHeight = video.videoHeight; 
  videoWidth = video.videoWidth;

function startScreenshot() {
  if (drawTimer == null) {
    drawTimer = setInterval(grabScreenshot, 1000);

function stopScreenshot() {
  if (drawTimer) {
    drawTimer = null;

function grabScreenshot() {
  ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, videoWidth, videoHeight);
function convert(target) {
        html2canvas(target, {
            "proxy": "../html2canvasproxy.php",
            "logging": true, //Enable log (use Web Console for get Errors and Warnings)
            "onrendered": function(canvas) {
                var img = new Image();
                    img.onload = function () {
                        img.onload = null;
                        img.width = 120;
                    img.src = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

From the looks of things, it's because the browser considers your canvas 'tainted' - using the example you provided above, I've let the video run a little, then tried to log the toDataURL output: 从外观上看,这是因为浏览器认为您的画布“受污”-使用上面提供的示例,我让视频运行了一点,然后尝试记录toDataURL输出:

console.log(canvas.toDataURL()); console.log(canvas.toDataURL()); VM1344:2 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not be exported. VM1344:2未捕获的DOMException:无法在“ HTMLCanvasElement”上执行“ toDataURL”:可能无法导出污染的画布。

My suspicion is that is becuase the video is being loaded from a third party URL. 我怀疑这是因为视频是从第三方URL加载的。

Try loading the video from the same domain as the HTML code, and see if that works 尝试从与HTML代码相同的域中加载视频,然后查看是否可行

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