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[英]How to detect from inside iOS keyboard the UITextInput settings

I would like to customize the iOS keyboard behavior to adapt to the UITextInput inside the app that it's showing up. 我想自定义iOS键盘行为,以适应其显示的应用程序内的UITextInput

For example, when someone entering a URL inside Safari, the keyboard's return key should instead say "Go", autocorrect and auto-capitalization should both be spelled. 例如,当某人在Safari中输入URL时,键盘的回车键应改为“ Go”,同时应同时拼写自动更正和自动大写。

I looked through UITextInput protocol reference , but was unable to find any information about detecting the settings. 我浏览了UITextInput协议参考 ,但找不到有关检测设置的任何信息。 Any help is much appreciated, thanks. 非常感谢任何帮助,谢谢。

您应该查看UITextInputTraits ,而UITextField支持它。

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