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[英]Raster map with discrete color scale for negative and positive values R

I have two dataframes which I will like to map. 我有两个我想要映射的数据帧。 The dfs have the same xy coordinates and I need a single colorbar with a visible discrete color scale for both dfs like the one shown here. 在DFS有相同的xy坐标我需要一个可见的离散色标 单彩条像这里显示的两个DFS。 I would like the colors in the colorkey to match the self-defined breaks. 我希望colorkey中的颜色与自定义的断点相匹配。 a more general solution that can be applied outside this example is much appreciated 可以在此示例之外应用的更通用的解决方案非常受欢迎


The RdYIBu color palette from the RcolorBrewer package is what I am after. 来自RcolorBrewer包的RdYIBu调色板就是我追求的。


My code so far: 我的代码到目前为止:

ras1 <- raster(nrow=10,ncol=10) 
ras1[] <- rchisq(df=10,n=10*10) 
s <- stack(ras1,ras2) 
Uniques <- cellStats(s,stat=unique) 
Uniques.max <- max(Uniques)
Uniques.min <- min(Uniques)
my.at <- round(seq(ceiling(Uniques.max), floor(Uniques.min), length.out= 10),0)
myColorkey <- list(at=my.at, labels=list(at=my.at)) 
levelplot(s, at=my.at, colorkey=myColorkey,par.settings=RdBuTheme())

How can I set the values in the colorkey to match values on the map as shown on the sample map above? 如何设置colorkey中的值以匹配地图上的值,如上面的示例地图所示? Note that the number of colors in the colorkey should be the same number shown on the map. 请注意,colorkey中的颜色数应与地图上显示的数字相同。

Many thanks for your help. 非常感谢您的帮助。 Your suggestions will help me to develop many such maps. 您的建议将帮助我开发许多这样的地图。

Thanks. 谢谢。

The following should get you going. 以下内容应该让你去。 With the ggplot2 documentation and the many online examples,you should be able to tweak the aesthetics to get it to look exactly as you want without any troubles.Cheers. 使用ggplot2文档和许多在线示例,您应该能够调整美学,使其看起来完全符合您的要求,没有任何麻烦。欢呼。

#Order breaks from lowest to highest
  my_at <- sort(my_at)

#Get desired core colours from brewer
  cols0 <- brewer.pal(n=length(my_at), name="RdYlBu")

#Derive desired break/legend colours from gradient of selected brewer palette
  cols1 <- colorRampPalette(cols0, space="rgb")(length(my_at))

#Convert raster to dataframe
  df <- as.data.frame(s, xy=T)
  names(df) <- c("x", "y", "Epoch1", "Epoch2")

#Melt n-band raster to long format
  dfm <- melt(df, id.vars=c("x", "y"), variable.name="epoch", value.name="value")

#Construct continuous raster plot without legend
  #Note usage of argument `values` in `scale_fill_gradientn` -
  #-since your legend breaks are not equi-spaced!!!
  #Also note usage of coord_equal()
  a  <- ggplot(data=dfm, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_raster(aes(fill=value)) + coord_equal()+
        facet_wrap(facets=~epoch, ncol=1) + theme_bw() + 

                             breaks=my_at) +
        theme(legend.position="none", panel.grid=element_blank())

#Make dummy plot discrete legend whose colour breaks go along `cols1`
  df_leg <- data.frame(x=1:length(my_at), y=length(my_at):1, value=my_at)
  gg_leg <- ggplot(data=df_leg, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_raster(aes(fill=factor(value))) +
            scale_fill_manual(breaks=my_at, values=cols1,
                                                 label.position="bottom")) +

#Extract discrete legend from dummy plot
  tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(gg_leg))
  leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name)=="guide-box")
  legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]]

#Combine continuous plot of your rasters with the discrete legend
  grid.arrange(a, legend, ncol=1, heights=c(4, 0.8))


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