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Laravel / Lumen事件监听器不听

[英]Laravel/Lumen event listener does not listen

I have a Lumen controller class that fires an event when a user is created. 我有一个Lumen控制器类,可以在创建用户时触发事件。 I am using an event dispatcher. 我正在使用事件调度程序。 The event gets fired as it should, but the listener does not handle the event. 该事件应该被触发,但是侦听器不处理该事件。 I am sure I have followed every step of the Lumen documentation. 我确信我已经遵循了Lumen文档的每一步。

// UserController.php
class UserController extends ApiController
     protected $event = null;

     public function __construct(Dispatcher $event)
         $this->event = $event;

     * Store a newly created resource in storage.
     * @param Request $request
     * @return Response
    public function store(Request $request)
         $this->acceptContentType($request, 'json');

         $this->input = $request->json()->all();


         $roles = $this->getRelationInput('roles');

         $user = User::create($this->input);
         $this->addRelation($user, $roles, Role::class, 'roles');

         $this->event->fire(new UserCreated($user));

         return $this->respondCreated($user->id);

So I basically want to store a user into the database and fire an event when that happens. 所以我基本上想要将用户存储到数据库中,并在发生这种情况时触发事件。

// UserCreated.php
class UserCreated extends Event
    public $user;

    public function __construct(User $user)
        $this->user = $user;

The event is fired correctly, so if I put an "echo" or a "var_dump" into the event's constructor, I can see that it works. 事件被正确触发,所以如果我将“echo”或“var_dump”放入事件的构造函数中,我可以看到它有效。 If I so the same for the listener, it does not react. 如果我对听众如此相同,它就没有反应。

// UserCreatedEmail.php
class UserCreatedEmail extends Listener
    public function handle(UserCreated $event)
        echo 'Hello?';

I have registered it in the EventServiceProvider. 我在EventServiceProvider中注册了它。

// EventServiceProvider.php
class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * The event listener mappings for the application.
     * @var array
    protected $listen = [
        UserCreated::class => [

And uncommented it in the bootstrap area. 并在引导区域取消注释。

// bootstrap/app.php    

I have absolutely no idea why is doesn't work. 我完全不知道为什么不起作用。 I could use "$event->listen" but then it would also listen when I use testing. 我可以使用“$ event-> listen”但是当我使用测试时它也会听。 According to the Lumen documentation, it should also work without that. 根据Lumen文档,它应该没有它。

And yes, the namespaces are set correctly. 是的,命名空间设置正确。 And no, I do not want to use Facades. 不,我不想使用Facades。

In bootstrap/app.php under 'Register Service Providers' comment out the registration of the service provider. 在“注册服务提供商”下的bootstrap / app.php中注释掉服务提供商的注册。

// $app->register(App\Providers\EventServiceProvider::class);



I think I already got this problem, so this is how I resolve this: 我想我已经遇到了这个问题,所以这就是我解决这个问题的方法:

In your EventServiceProvider change the event class and listener class to a real path, dont use ::class in EventServiceProvider . EventServiceProvider将事件类和侦听器类更改为实际路径,不要在EventServiceProvider使用::class Ie: 即:

// EventServiceProvider.php
class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    * The event listener mappings for the application.
    * @var array
    protected $listen = [
        'WISSIT\UserService\Events\UserCreated' => [

Okay, so it appears like the event is only listened when using \\Illuminate\\Contracts\\Event\\Dispatcher in the controller. 好的,所以看起来只有在控制器中使用\\Illuminate\\Contracts\\Event\\Dispatcher时才会收听\\Illuminate\\Contracts\\Event\\Dispatcher I used \\Illuminate\\Events\\Dispatcher . 我使用\\Illuminate\\Events\\Dispatcher I don't know why that is the case, but it worked. 我不知道为什么会这样,但它确实有效。

I had a similar issue when working with Lumen and event listeners. 在与Lumen和事件监听器一起工作时,我遇到了类似的问题。 The fired event never reached my custom listener and I was struggling for a day to figure out where the problem is. 被解雇的事件从未到达我的自定义听众,我正在努力争取一天找出问题所在。

At the end I figured out, that I had a wrong signature of handle method on my listener. 最后我想通了,我的监听器上有一个错误的handle方法签名。 It was my mistake, but Dispatcher did not notify me about that issue. 这是我的错,但Dispatcher没有通知我这个问题。 When I changed the method to accept given arguments, it just started working. 当我改变方法以接受给定的参数时,它才开始工作。

I think the problem lies in the Illuminate\\Events\\Dispatcher in the fire method. 我认为问题在于fire方法中的Illuminate\\Events\\Dispatcher Function call_user_func_array returns false if the signature of the method is wrong, but dispatcher just breaks out of the loop on error. 如果方法的签名错误,则函数call_user_func_array返回false,但调度程序在出错时突然退出循环。 And does not notify user about an issue. 并且不会通知用户有关问题。

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