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[英]How can I do with the Date Picker in Graphical Style?

I create a button with a popover date picker.我创建了一个带有弹出日期选择器的按钮。 Inside the date picker, I control dragged an IBAction to receive the date I pick and print out.在日期选择器中,我控制拖动一个 IBAction 来接收我选择的日期并打印出来。 However, whenever I select another date, it will always print out twice.但是,每当我选择另一个日期时,它总是会打印两次。 (Select the same day will print out once) (选择当天会打印一次)

I would like to get ONE value from date picker whenever I select.每当我选择时,我都想从日期选择器中获得一个值。 How can I fix it?我该如何解决?

here is what I've done. 这是我所做的。

Try adding this in awakeFromNib or viewDidLoad :尝试在awakeFromNib 或viewDidLoad 中添加:

    let theAction = Int(NSEventMask.MouseExitedMask.rawValue)

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