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jsf PrimeFaces如何关闭模式形式

[英]jsf PrimeFaces how to close modal form

I created a modal form. 我创建了一个模式表格。 while the submit button works fine: 虽然提交按钮可以正常工作:

<p:commandButton ajax="false" value="save" action="#{editErReferencesFormWebBean.submit}" />

I don't know how to create a cancel button that just closes the dialog. 我不知道如何创建仅关闭对话框的取消按钮。 I don't want to call the server for it. 我不想为此打电话给服务器。 Is there a simple way to just clos the dialog (and discard all inputs)? 有没有简单的方法可以关闭对话框(并丢弃所有输入)?

Reading Primefaces documentation: 阅读Primefaces文档:

    <p:dialog widgetVar="modal" modal="true" closable="false">
     <!-- Modal content -->
     <h:form id="form">
        <p:commandButton value="Cancel" onclick="PF('modal').hide();$('#form').trigger('reset');" type="button" />

Also, you could set closable attribute to true for displaying X icon which closes the dialog. 另外,您可以将closable属性设置为true以显示关闭对话框的X图标。

Try this: 尝试这个:

<h:form id="form">
    <h:panelGrid columns="1" cellpadding="5">
        <p:commandButton value="Modal" type="button" onclick="PF('dlg').show();" />

    <p:dialog header="Modal Dialog" id="myDialog" widgetVar="dlg" modal="true" height="100">

        <h:outputText value="This is a Modal Dialog." />

        <button id="myButton" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only" type="button" onclick="$('#form\\:myDialog').hide(); $('#form\\:myDialog_modal').remove();$('#form').trigger('reset');">
            <span class="ui-button-text ui-c">
                My Button


Regards. 问候。

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