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[英]Merge branch without deleting it in git

Can I merge a branch without deleting it? 我可以合并分支而不删除它吗?

If I have branch "personal-work-in-progress", and a branch "feature/ABC-123" that is five commits ahead of it, is it possible to merge the five commits from feature/ABC-123 into personal-work-in-progress without deleting the feature/ABC-123 branch? 如果我有分支“个人工作进行中”,并且分支“功能/ ABC-123”提前五次提交,是否可以将功能/ ABC-123中的五个提交合并到个人工作中 - 正在进行而不删除功能/ ABC-123分支?

I know doing five git cherry-pick commands would do it, but that seems a bit tedious and error-prone. 我知道做五个git cherry-pick命令会做到这一点,但这看起来有点乏味且容易出错。

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