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[英]Insert each value from multidimensional array into a database

I am using phpexcelreader to read an excel file and getting an multidimensional array in return.我正在使用 phpexcelreader 读取一个 excel 文件并获得一个多维数组作为回报。

Now I want to save that array of records into my database.现在我想将该记录数组保存到我的数据库中。 I am getting the array but I don't understand how I can get each value into the database.我正在获取数组,但我不明白如何将每个值输入到数据库中。 Here is the array which I am getting这是我得到的数组

array (
  1 => 
  array (
    1 => 'Date',
    2 => 'Customer Name',
    3 => 'Address',
    4 => 'Phone  Number',
    5 => 'Email ID',
    6 => 'Amount',
  2 => 
  array (
    1 => '41577',
    2 => 'Gary E. Ross',
    3 => 'daf, GA 31907',
    4 => '12344',
    5 => 'geross50@gmail.com',
    6 => 'CAD50',
  3 => 
  array (
    1 => '41577',
    2 => 'JEAN h. LUGAR',
    3 => '123, N.C, 28312',
    4 => '111111',
    5 => 'jhlas@msn.com',
    6 => 'CAD143.28',

This is the code I wrote to get the array above这是我为获取上面的数组而编写的代码

    //echo $read_excel;
    $excel = new PhpExcelReader;
    $data = $excel->sheets[0];
     $excelArray = $excel->sheets[0]['cells'];
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';

     foreach($excelArray as $key=>$record)
            echo $record[$i]. "</br>";


        /* foreach($record as $innerKey => $innerRecord)
            echo $innerRecord. "</br>";
        }  */ 


I am using foreach to get the values but it is not giving me the desired result.我正在使用 foreach 来获取值,但它没有给我想要的结果。

To get values in array, try like this,要获取数组中的值,请尝试这样,

foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
    foreach ($val as $key1 => $val1) {
         echo $val1[$key1];
foreach ($excelArray as $key=>$val) {
    foreach ($val as $key1 => $value) {
        $insertData.= "'".$value."',";
    echo $query = $insertData;
    echo "<br/><br/>";


$array = array (
          1 => 
          array (
            1 => 'Date',
            2 => 'Customer Name',
            3 => 'Address',
            4 => 'Phone  Number',
            5 => 'Email ID',
            6 => 'Amount',
          2 => 
          array (
            1 => '41577',
            2 => 'Gary E. Ross',
            3 => 'daf, GA 31907',
            4 => '12344',
            5 => 'geross50@gmail.com',
            6 => 'CAD50',
          3 => 
          array (
            1 => '41577',
            2 => 'JEAN h. LUGAR',
            3 => '123, N.C, 28312',
            4 => '111111',
            5 => 'jhlas@msn.com',
            6 => 'CAD143.28',

echo "<b>\$array values:</b><br/><br/>";

foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
    foreach ($val as $key1 => $val1) {
         //you will get values here.
        echo "<pre>$key1 => $val1</pre>";
    echo "<br/>";



$array values:

1 => Date
2 => Customer Name
3 => Address
4 => Phone  Number
5 => Email ID
6 => Amount

1 => 41577
2 => Gary E. Ross
3 => daf, GA 31907
4 => 12344
5 => geross50@gmail.com
6 => CAD50

1 => 41577
2 => JEAN h. LUGAR
3 => 123, N.C, 28312
4 => 111111
5 => jhlas@msn.com
6 => CAD143.28

To insert the records into database, you'd use following code:要将记录插入数据库,您需要使用以下代码:

    $a=array (
      1 => 
      array (
        1 => 'Date',
        2 => 'Customer Name',
        3 => 'Address',
        4 => 'Phone  Number',
        5 => 'Email ID',
        6 => 'Amount',
      2 => 
      array (
        1 => '41577',
        2 => 'Gary E. Ross',
        3 => 'daf, GA 31907',
        4 => '12344',
        5 => 'geross50@gmail.com',
        6 => 'CAD50',
      3 => 
      array (
        1 => '41577',
        2 => 'JEAN h. LUGAR',
        3 => '123, N.C, 28312',
        4 => '111111',
        5 => 'jhlas@msn.com',
        6 => 'CAD143.28',


      //echo "<pre>";print_r($a[$start]);exit; 
      for($i=$start; $i<= $range; $i++){
        $data="   ";
        foreach($a[$i] as $k=>$v){
            $data.="'".$v."', ";
        $data=substr($data, 0,-2);

    $columnsName="( '".implode('\',\'',$columns)."' )";

    echo $query="INSERT INTO `table_name` ".$columnsName." VALUES ".$values;

    // To insert the records in Database

    $servername = "localhost";
    $username = "root";
    $password = "";
    $dbname = "myDB"; // Database name

    // Create connection
    $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
    // Check connection
    if ($conn->connect_error) {
        die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

    $conn->query($query) or die ($conn->error); //This will insert the records into database (table_name)


Please mark this as answer if it helped you, Thank you.如果对您有帮助,请将其标记为答案,谢谢。 :) :)

replace your code with this its totally dynamic whether your fields append in future..用这个替换你的代码它是完全动态的,无论你的字段是否在未来追加..

$a=array (
  1 => 
  array (
    1 => 'Date',
    2 => 'Customer Name',
    3 => 'Address',
    4 => 'Phone  Number',
    5 => 'Email ID',
    6 => 'Amount',
  2 => 
  array (
    1 => '41577',
    2 => 'Gary E. Ross',
    3 => 'daf, GA 31907',
    4 => '12344',
    5 => 'geross50@gmail.com',
    6 => 'CAD50',
  3 => 
  array (
    1 => '41577',
    2 => 'JEAN h. LUGAR',
    3 => '123, N.C, 28312',
    4 => '111111',
    5 => 'jhlas@msn.com',
    6 => 'CAD143.28',
  //echo "<pre>";print_r($a[$start]);exit; 
  for($i=$start; $i<= $range; $i++){
    $data="   ";
    foreach($a[$i] as $k=>$v){
        $data.="'".$v."', ";
    $data=substr($data, 0,-2);
$columnsName="( '".implode('\',\'',$columns)."' )";
echo $query="Insert into".$columnsName." Values ".$values;  

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