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[英]How to define custom localize constant in swift

I am new to swift 2 . 我是新手2。 I know define macro in objective c as 我知道在目标c中定义宏为

#define MYAPPCLocalize(Key) NSLocalizedStringFromTable(Key, APP_DELEGATE.currentStrings, @"N/A")

But how can i declare like the same in swift . 但是我怎么能迅速宣布相同。 Please help me 请帮我

From Apple's docs : 从苹果的文档

Declare simple macros as global constants, and translate complex macros into functions.

You can translate your code this way: 您可以通过以下方式翻译代码:

func MYAPPCLocalize(key: String) -> String {
  return NSLocalizedStringFromTable(key, APP_DELEGATE.currentStrings, "N/A")

I had same problem. 我有同样的问题。

Actually in swift there no concept of Macros. 实际上,没有快速宏的概念。 If you want to create simple macro then you can create it with let keyword which treated as a macro or something like static variable(attribute). 如果要创建简单的宏,则可以使用被视为宏或诸如static variable(attribute)之类的let关键字来创建它。

If you want to create parameterised macro, then create func with parameters and return type. 如果要创建参数化的宏,请使用参数和返回类型创建func

Follow solution provided in this link 遵循此链接中提供的解决方案

Create parameterised string or macro in swift? 快速创建参数化的字符串或宏?

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