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分布式Google Analytics(分析)扩展程序在Air Debug Launcher(ADL)中失败

[英]Distriqt Google Analytics Extension fails in Air Debug Launcher (ADL)

Exception fault: VerifyError: Error #1014: Class com.distriqt.extension.googleanalytics::Tracker could not be found. 异常错误:VerifyError:错误#1014:找不到com.distriqt.extension.googleanalytics :: Tracker类。

The issue does NOT occur when installed to a device. 安装到设备上时不会发生此问题。

The extension has been added to the application descriptor. 该扩展已添加到应用程序描述符中。

I have other Distriqt extensions (notifications, dialog) already in my app which are working fine. 我的应用程序中已经有其他Distriqt扩展(通知,对话框),它们工作正常。

Setup: Mac / FDT / AIR SDK 18 设置:Mac / FDT / AIR SDK 18

We accidentally missed a few classes in default library of the first release of this ANE. 我们意外地错过了此ANE的第一个版本的默认库中的一些类。

Grab the update and it should resolve this issue. 抓住更新,它应该可以解决此问题。

Cheers 干杯

尝试复制并重命名您的ANE: ane-file-name .ane到ane-file-name .swc,并将其添加到您的项目中(您必须同时拥有ane和swc)

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