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[英]How can I avoid code duplication by using OOP or SOLID principles?

I have the following class and interface for him: 我为他准备了以下课程和接口:

public class A // int wrapper
    private int _a;

    public A(int a)
        _a = a;

interface IProgram
    int a();

    A b();

public class Program : IProgram
    public int a()
       int b = 0;
       return b;

    public A b()
        int b = 0;
        return new A(b);

Two methods do the same thing: just increase b . 两种方法做同样的事情:增加b

How can I avoid code duplication and change my interface? 如何避免代码重复并更改界面?

创建一个私有方法,该方法迭代int b并将其返回,然后从a()和b()调用该方法

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