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[英]Most efficient way to compare 2 different object attributes in a list

I have 2 ArrayLists of custom objects. 我有2个自定义对象的ArrayLists I am making a nested loops to compare them and find matches. 我正在做一个嵌套循环来比较它们并找到匹配项。

However, is there anything better? 但是,还有什么更好的吗? I read something about retainAll for primitive types, but I can't find a way how to apply it here. 我读了一些有关用于原始类型的retainAll的内容,但是在这里找不到如何应用它的方法。 I also read something about overriding the equals() , can't get that either, as this is two different objects. 我还阅读了有关重写equals() ,因为这是两个不同的对象,所以也无法做到这一点。

for (String email : emailsOfContactsWhoFitDynConFilter) {
            for (Contact contact : emailClicks.items) { 
                if (email.equals(contact.EmailAddress) && (contact.link).split("\\?")[0].equals(linkInDynamicContent.split("\\?")[0])) {

I wouldn't pretend this is the most efficient way , but I'd do something like that: 我不会假装这是最有效的方法 ,但是我会做类似的事情:

Set<String> emails = new HashSet<>(emailsOfContactsWhoFitDynConFilter);
String token = linkInDynamicContent.split("\\?")[0];
int count = items.stream().parallel()
        .filter(contact -> emails.contains(contact.EmailAddress))
        .filter(contact -> contact.link.split("\\?")[0].equals(token))

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