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如何在 Woocommerce 的产品页面中获取当前类别 ID?

[英]How to Get the Current category ID in the product page in Woocommerce?

i would like to get the current category ID in the product page to show something in templates/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php in Woocommerce我想在产品页面中获取当前类别 ID,以在 Woocommerce 的templates/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php中显示一些内容

If the category ID == 1 {//i'll show something}

if the category ID == 2 {//something else}

All of this in the " simple.php "所有这些都在“ simple.php ”中


Edit :编辑 :

<?php echo $product->get_categories( ', ', '<span class="posted_in">' . _n( 'Category:', 'Categories:', $cat_count, 'woocommerce' ) . ' ', '</span>' ); ?>

this code give the product name of the current product, if i can't get the ID, how could i get the string of the category name else ?此代码给出当前产品的产品名称,如果我无法获取 ID,我如何获取类别名称的字符串?

Use this code使用此代码

global $wp_query;
    $terms_post = get_the_terms( $post->cat_ID , 'product_cat' );
    foreach ($terms_post as $term_cat) { 
    $term_cat_id = $term_cat->term_id; 
    echo $term_cat_id;

Found some code online that might work as well (note: I have not tried it myself)在网上找到了一些可能也有效的代码(注意:我自己没有尝试过)

update link is dead, code is below just in case.更新链接已失效,代码在下方以防万一。

global $wp_query;
// get the query object
$cat_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();


if($cat_obj)    {
    $category_name = $cat_obj->name;
    $category_desc = $cat_obj->description;
    $category_ID  = $cat_obj->term_id;
    echo $category_ID;

    // with the `$category_ID`, proceed to your `if/else` statement.
    if( $category_ID == 1){
       echo 'Cat ID is 1';

    if( $category_ID == 2){
       echo 'Cat ID is 2';

Short way to get current category ID:获取当前类别 ID 的简单方法:

$terms = get_the_terms( $post->cat_ID , 'product_cat' );
echo $terms[key($terms)]->slug;

If you are in product page, first you need to get the product id like:如果您在产品页面,首先您需要获取产品 ID,如:

$product_id = $product->get_id();

then use this code:然后使用此代码:

$terms = get_the_terms( $product_id , 'product_cat' );
if ( !empty( $terms ) ) {
    foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
        echo $term->term_id;

You can use:您可以使用:


This method has become available since WooCommerce 3, see the docs .此方法从 WooCommerce 3 开始可用, 请参阅文档

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