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[英]Wear addListener's onDataChanged isn't being called

I'm encountering a very weird scenario. 我遇到一个非常奇怪的情况。 I implemented both WearableListenerService and Wearable.DataApi.addListener on my wear device, and I am periodically sending data updates from my phone. 我在WearableListenerService设备上同时实现了WearableListenerServiceWearable.DataApi.addListener ,并且定期从手机发送数据更新。 The WearableListenerService is properly getting onDataChanged callbacks, but my listener in the main activity isn't.. WearableListenerService正确获取onDataChanged回调,但主要活动中的侦听器却没有。

This is my setup for the activity: 这是我为活动设置的:

onStart() {

onStop() {
    Wearable.DataApi.removeListener(googleApiClient, this);

onConnected() {
    Wearable.DataApi.addListener(googleApiClient, this);

onDataChanged() {
    // never gets called

I can post more code, but above is the general gist. 我可以发布更多代码,但以上是一般要点。 On the other hand, my WearableListenerService is properly declared in the AndroidManifest , and simply prints out logs when it receives onDataChanged . 另一方面,我的WearableListenerServiceAndroidManifest已正确声明,并且在接收到onDataChanged时仅打印出日志。

Is there anything obvious I'm missing here? 有什么明显的我想念的地方吗?

For this you will have to implement one of the following interfaces in your activity: 为此,您将必须在活动中实现以下接口之一:

  • DataApi.DataListener DataApi.DataListener
  • MessageApi.MessageListener MessageApi.MessageListener
  • NodeApi.NodeListener NodeApi.NodeListener

See 'With a Listener Activity' part of this android developer documentation. 请参阅 android开发人员文档的“使用侦听器活动”部分。

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