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为什么我不能在C ++中的合格名称空间中向前声明类型?

[英]Why can't I forward-declare a type in a qualified namespace in C++?

I am trying to avoid including an auto-generated header (outside of my control), from inside my own headers. 我试图避免在自己的标头内部包含自动生成的标头(控件之外)。 I therefore need to forward-declare a type Type that lives inside a namespace nm , which itself lives in the global namespace. 因此,我需要向前声明一个驻留在名称空间nm的类型Type ,该类型本身位于全局名称空间中。 Here is an example of MyHeader.h : 这是MyHeader.h的示例:

// My project defines two levels of nested namespaces 
namespace foo { namespace bar {
    namespace nm { struct Type; }
} }

Unfortunately this defines the new namespace foo::bar::nm and forward-declares the type foo::bar::nm::Type , which is not what I want. 不幸的是,这定义了新的命名空间foo::bar::nm并向前声明了foo::bar::nm::Type ,这不是我想要的。 Ideally I would be able to forward-declare a type in the qualified namespace ::nm like this: 理想情况下,我可以像这样在合格的命名空间::nm声明类型:

namespace foo { namespace bar {
    namespace ::nm { struct Type; }
} }

My compiler complains I cannot use a qualified namespace here (using Intel ICC15 with C++11 settings). 我的编译器抱怨我不能在此处使用合格的名称空间(将Intel ICC15与C ++ 11设置一起使用)。 This forces me to put all such forward declarations at the beginning: 这迫使我在开始时就将所有这些前瞻性声明放在​​首位:

namespace nm { struct Type; }
namespace foo { namespace bar {
} }

In my case, this is inconvenient because I need to forward-declare many types and would prefer to do so alongside definitions of my own in various scattered places in my header. 在我的情况下,这很不方便,因为我需要前向声明许多类型,并且更愿意在标头中各个分散的地方与自己的定义一起声明。 A workaround could be to constantly be "closing" and "re-opening" my nested namespace, which is not ideal. 解决方法可能是不断“关闭”和“重新打开”我的嵌套名称空间,这并不理想。

Why can't I forward-declare a type in a qualified namespace ? 为什么我不能在限定名称空间中向前声明类型?

因为C ++标准是这样说的。

There is no real reason I know of. 我没有真正的原因。 This is just not supported, probably, no one needed it and no one ever requested it. 只是不支持此功能,可能没有人需要它,也没有人要求它。 I see the benefit in your particular case, but since the forward declarations are expected to be provided in a separate file, you'd be better off by simply creating your own *_fwd.h with all the forward declarations inside it in the single namespace. 我看到了在您的特定情况下的好处,但是由于预期将在单独的文件中提供前向声明,因此,最好通过在单个名称空间中创建带有所有前向声明的自己的*_fwd.h来更好。 。

You can't because it's ambiguous. 您不能因为它含糊不清。 If you wrote: 如果您写了:

extern int foo::bar;

Are you forward declaring an int named bar in namespace foo , or are you forward declaring an int named bar inside the class foo ? 你向前声明一个int名为bar的命名空间foo ,或者是你前进的声明int命名bar里面的类foo There's no way for the compiler to know. 编译器无法知道。

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