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[英]wp-query category and has tag

I am trying to query posts in wordpress using wp_query. 我正在尝试使用wp_query在wordpress中查询帖子。 I would like to place the posts in a category and query by using has_tag. 我想将帖子放在一个类别中,并使用has_tag进行查询。 I tried to use 我尝试使用

$args = array (
                    'post_type'  => array( 'post' ),
                    'category_name' => 'footer',
                // The Query
                $social = new WP_Query( $args );
                // The Loop
                if ( $social->have_posts()&&has_tag('social') ) {
                    while ( $social->have_posts() ) {
                } rewind_posts();

but this loads all of the posts and doesn't just show the one with the tag. 但这会加载所有帖子,而不仅仅是显示带有标签的帖子。

The correct way to do this would be limit the WP_Query itself. 正确的方法是限制WP_Query本身。

Eg 例如

$args = array(
    'post_type'  => array( 'post' ),
    'category_name' => 'footer',
    'tag' => 'social'

$social = new WP_Query( $args );

if ( $social->have_posts() ) {
    while ( $social->have_posts() ) {


To use has_tag you'd need to set your global post data up first, eg setup_postdata( $social ), which would create a lot of overhead with conditions and loops just to filter your results down when you could do it within the query itself. 要使用has_tag,您需要首先设置全局发布数据,例如setup_postdata($ social),这会产生大量的条件和循环开销,只是在您可以在查询本身中进行过滤时才过滤掉结果。

you need to check within each post called rather than at the start (note you might need to pass in the 2nd arg of has_tag, the post object. 您需要在每个调用的帖子中进行检查,而不是在开始时进行检查(请注意,您可能需要传递has_tag的第二个参数,即post对象。

if ( $social->have_posts() ) {
                while ( $social->have_posts() ) {
                    if( has_tag('social') { 
} rewind_posts();

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