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[英]MongoDB match documents with all elements in a given array

I have an array 我有一个数组

solvedProblemIds = [0,2]

and I want to query for documents that have ALL of the elements in their requiredProblems array inside the solvedProblemIds array. 我想查询在solvedProblemIds数组内的requiredProblems数组中具有所有元素的文档。

for example, if these are my documents: 例如,如果这些是我的文档:

    id: 0,
    name: "Problem 1",
    points: 10,
    description: "Problem 1 desc",
    requiredProblems: []
    id: 1,
    name: "Problem 2",
    points: 10,
    description: "Problem 2 desc",
    requiredProblems: [0]
    id: 2,
    name: "Problem 3",
    points: 10,
    description: "Problem 3 desc",
    requiredProblems: [0]
    id: 3,
    name: "Problem 4",
    points: 10,
    description: "Problem 4 desc",
    requiredProblems: [0, 2]
    id: 4,
    name: "Problem 5",
    points: 10,
    description: "Problem 5 desc",
    requiredProblems: [0, 1, 2, 3]

The query should match the documents with id 3, 2, 1, and 0. I looked at the $in selector, but it only requires ONE element to be in the array, not all. 该查询应与ID为3、2、1和0的文档匹配。我查看了$ in选择器,但它只要求在数组中包含一个元素,而不是全部。

There's no operator that works out of the box for determining a subset. 没有开箱即用的运算符来确定子集。 You can either do an aggregation (I haven't thought about how) or the following: 您可以进行汇总(我还没考虑过如何)或执行以下操作:

{ $not: { $elemMatch: { $nin: [0, 2] } } }

This is finding documents such that there exists no elements that are not in [0, 2]. 这是在查找文档,使得不存在[0,2]中没有的元素。


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