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[英]Splice removes only last element in array

I'm having a small issue with React (still new to it). 我在React上遇到了一个小问题(仍然是个新问题)。 I have an array of Results. 我有一系列结果。 These Results have nested Bookings, also in an array, and the latter is what I'm manipulating. 这些结果将预订嵌套在一个数组中,而后者正是我要处理的。

When User creates Booking, everything goes as expected - findIndex gets the correct Result element and modifies its Bookings array accordingly. 当用户创建预订时,一切都按预期进行findIndex获取正确的Result元素并相应地修改其Bookings数组。

However, when I want to "Unbook", it only finds the last Result in the array, and findIndex is always -1 (so I haven't even gotten to the Bookings part, because the Result index I get is wrong). 但是,当我想“取消预订”时,它仅找到数组中的最后一个Result,而findIndex始终为-1 (因此我什至没有进入Bookings部分,因为我得到的Result索引是错误的)。

The code is similar, my items all have unique keys, and I don't understand what could be the problem (using Alt as Flux implementation)? 代码相似,我的商品都有唯一的键,我不明白可能是什么问题(使用Alt作为Flux实现)?

Here is what happens on Create: 这是在Create上发生的事情:

onCreateBookingSuccess(data) {
    let resultIndex = this.results.findIndex((result) => result.id === data.id);
    this.results.update(resultIndex, (result) => result.bookings.push(data));
    toastr.info('Booked! User will receive notification.');

And on delete: 并删除:

onDestroyBookingSuccess(data) {
    let resultIndex = this.results.findIndex((result) => result.id === data.id);
    var myBooking;
    this.results.map((result) => {
      myBooking = result.bookings.findIndex((booking) => booking.id === data.booking);
    this.results.update(resultIndex, (result) => result.bookings.splice(myBooking,1));
    toastr.warning('Unbooked! User will receive notification.');

My object: 我的对象:

<Result key={result.id} id={result.id} bookings={result.bookings} />

As I mentioned, the first operation goes as planned, everything is modified as it should. 正如我所提到的,第一个操作按计划进行,一切都按需进行了修改。 The issue with the second op starts from the very beginning, when resultIndex returns -1 . 第二个操作的问题从一开始就开始,当resultIndex返回-1

The problem seems to be here: 问题似乎在这里:

var myBooking;
this.results.map((result) => {
  myBooking = result.bookings.findIndex((booking) => booking.id === data.booking);

You're always assigning to myBooking , even when the index is not found ( -1 ) after having already found it, so it's equivalent to this.results.last().bookings.findIndex(...) . 即使已找到索引( -1 ),也始终要分配给myBooking ,因此它等效于this.results.last().bookings.findIndex(...) Really you only want to get the (first?) value that's not -1 : 真的,您只想获得不为-1的(first?)值:

var myBooking = this.results.map((result) => {
  myBooking = result.bookings.findIndex((booking) => booking.id === data.booking);
}).find((index) => index != -1);

Also, consider renaming myBooking to better indicate it's an index and not the actual record. 另外,请考虑重命名myBooking以更好地表明它是索引而不是实际记录。

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