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[英]Parsing string with Python correct way

I have some problems with parsing the correct way. 我在解析正确的方法时遇到了一些问题。 I want to split the complete string in two seperate strings. 我想将完整的字符串分成两个单独的字符串。 And then remove the "="-signs frome the first string and the ","-sign from the 2nd string. 然后从第一个字符串中删除“ =”符号,从第二个字符串中删除“,”符号。 From my output I can conclude that I did something wrong, but I do not seem to get where the problem lies. 从我的输出中,我可以得出结论:我做错了什么,但是我似乎并没有找到问题所在。 I want the first part to convert to integers, and I've already tried it with map(int, split()). 我希望第一部分转换为整数,并且已经使用map(int,split())进行了尝试。

If anyone has a tip, I would appreciate that. 如果有人给我小费,我将不胜感激。

This is my output: 这是我的输出:

('5=20=22=10=2=0=0=1=0=1', 'Vincent Appel,Johannes Mondriaan')

This is my program: 这是我的程序:

mystring = "5=20=22=10=2=0=0=1=0=1;Vincent Appel,Johannes Mondriaan"

def split_string(mystring):
    strings = mystring.split(";")
    x = strings[0]
    y = strings[-1]

def split_scores(x):
    scores = x.split("=")
    score = scores[0]
    names = scores[-1]
    print score

def stnames(y):
    studentname = y.split(",")
    name = studentname[1]
    print name


split_string(mystring) runs the 1st function, producing the tuple with 2 strings. split_string(mystring)运行第一个函数,生成包含2个字符串的元组。 But nothing runs the other functions which are intended to perform further splitting. 但是没有任何功能可以运行旨在执行进一步拆分的其他功能。

try: 尝试:

x, y = split_string(mystring)
x1 = split_scores(x)
y1 = stnames(y)
(x1, y1)

oops, your functions print the results, don't return them. 糟糕,您的函数会打印结果,而不返回结果。 So you also need: 因此,您还需要:

def split_string(mystring):
    # split mystring on ";"
    strings = mystring.split(";")
    return strings[0],strings[1]

def split_string(mystring):
    # this version raises an error if mystring does not have 2 parts
    x, y = mystring.split(";")
    return x,y

def split_scores(x):
    # return a list with all the scores
    return x.split("=")

def stnames(y):
    # return a list with all names
    return y.split(",")

def lastname(y):
    # return the last name (, delimited string)
    return y.split(",")[-1]

If you are going to split the task among functions, it is better to have them return the results rather than print them. 如果要在功能之间拆分任务,最好让它们返回结果而不是打印结果。 That way they can be used in various combinations. 这样,它们可以以各种组合使用。 print within a function only for debugging purposes. 在函数中print仅用于调试目的。

Or a compact, script version: 或紧凑的脚本版本:

x, y = mystring.split(';')
x = x.split('=')
y = y.split(',')[-1]
print y, x

If you want the scores as numbers, add: 如果您希望分数为数字,请添加:

x = [int(x) for x in x]

to the processing. 来处理。

Try this: 尝试这个:

def split_string(mystring):
    strings = mystring.split(";")
    x = int(strings[0].replace("=",""))
    y = strings[-1].replace(","," ")
    print x,y

My two cents. 我的两分钱。

If I understood what you want to achieve, this code could help: 如果我了解您要实现的目标,则此代码可以帮助您:

mystring = "5=20=22=10=2=0=0=1=0=1;Vincent Appel,Johannes Mondriaan"

def assignGradesToStudents(grades_and_indexes, students):
    list_length = len(grades_and_indexes)
    if list_length%2 == 0:
        grades = grades_and_indexes[:list_length/2]
        indexes = grades_and_indexes[list_length/2:]
        return zip([students[int(x)] for x in indexes], grades)

grades_and_indexes, students = mystring.split(';')
students = students.split(',')
grades_and_indexes = grades_and_indexes.split('=')

results = assignGradesToStudents(grades_and_indexes, students)
for result in results:
    print "[*] {} got a {}".format(result[0], result[1])

Output: 输出:

[*] Vincent Appel got a 5
[*] Vincent Appel got a 20
[*] Johannes Mondriaan got a 22
[*] Vincent Appel got a 10
[*] Johannes Mondriaan got a 2

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